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ID: OS-009370-P/170306

Kazimierz Wołowski

ID: OS-009370-P/170306

Kazimierz Wołowski

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Franciszek Wołowski i Tekla Wołowska

Date of birth:


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Kazimierz Wołowski (1813-1877), born in Warsaw, son of Franciszek and Tekla Wołowski, Polish officer, lawyer and pensioner. After graduating in law from the University of Warsaw, he entered military service in 1831 in the 21st Light Infantry Regiment, and later in the 1st Regiment of Foot Riflemen, where he was promoted to second lieutenant. In 1832 he attended the School of the General Staff in Paris. After the suppression of the November Rising, he arrived in France in November 1833, where he lived for the rest of his life. There he worked in the management of the Saint-Germain Iron Railway. He was also a member of the Supervisory Board of the Institution of Worship and Bread. He took an active part in the events of 1848 in France.

Wołowski was married to Henriette Martin, with whom he had a daughter. After his wife's death, he lived in Paris at 24 rue de Milan, where he died on 22 August 1877 at the age of 64. The death was reported by his brother Félix Wolowski and Louis Paulin Passy, an estate agent. The funeral took place on 24 August 1877 after a service at the parish church de la Trinité in Paris. He was buried in the Père-Lachaise cemetery. As recorded in the Books of Burials, in concession no. 156614. (AdP AD Paris 9e no. 1104 of 1877).


  • Barbara Konarska, „Polskie drogi emigracyjne. Emigranci polscy na studiach we Francji w latach 1832-1848”, Warszawa 1986, s. 434.



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