Column with a sculpture of the Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2018, all rights reserved
Photo showing Column with sculpture of Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, restoration work
Column with a sculpture of the Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2018, all rights reserved
Photo showing Column with sculpture of Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, restoration work
Fragment of a column with a sculpture of the Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2018, all rights reserved
Photo showing Column with sculpture of Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, restoration work
Statue from a column with a sculpture of the Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2018, all rights reserved
Photo showing Column with sculpture of Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, restoration work
Column with a sculpture of the Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2018, all rights reserved
Photo showing Column with sculpture of Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, restoration work
Column with a sculpture of the Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2018, all rights reserved
Photo showing Column with sculpture of Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, restoration work
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ID: kons-000020-P/111113

Column with sculpture of Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, restoration work

ID: kons-000020-P/111113

Column with sculpture of Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, restoration work

In 2018, a column located in Niemirów and probably erected on the grave of an insurgent ensign named Marek, killed in 1863, underwent conservation work.

Decorated with a spiral plant ornament and crowned with the figure of the Sorrowful Christ, the column was subjected to treatment aimed at strengthening the structure of the stone, chemical and mechanical cleaning from microbiological layers and surface dirt, gluing cracks and delaminations, supplementing stone defects. This was followed by colour consolidation and authentication of the relief on the column shaft.

Executed by: REWARS Monument Conservation Workshop

Conservation work carried out in 2018, Conservation Programme, Polonica Institute

Time of origin:





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Column with a sculpture of the Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov Photo showing Column with sculpture of Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, restoration work Gallery of the object +5
Column with a sculpture of the Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2018, all rights reserved
Column with a sculpture of the Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov Photo showing Column with sculpture of Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, restoration work Gallery of the object +5
Column with a sculpture of the Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2018, all rights reserved
Fragment of a column with a sculpture of the Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov Photo showing Column with sculpture of Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, restoration work Gallery of the object +5
Fragment of a column with a sculpture of the Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2018, all rights reserved
Statue from a column with a sculpture of the Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov Photo showing Column with sculpture of Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, restoration work Gallery of the object +5
Statue from a column with a sculpture of the Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2018, all rights reserved
Column with a sculpture of the Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov Photo showing Column with sculpture of Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, restoration work Gallery of the object +5
Column with a sculpture of the Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2018, all rights reserved
Column with a sculpture of the Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov Photo showing Column with sculpture of Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, restoration work Gallery of the object +5
Column with a sculpture of the Sorrowful Christ in Nemirov, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2018, all rights reserved

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