Former Dominican Church in Lviv, all rights reserved
Photo showing Corpus Christi Church in Lviv
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ID: POL-000425-P/71345

Corpus Christi Church in Lviv

ID: POL-000425-P/71345

Corpus Christi Church in Lviv

Variants of the name:

Dawny kościół oo. dominikanów we Lwowie, cerkiew greckokatolicka Najświętszej Eucharystii we Lwowie

The Corpus Christi Church in Lviv, formerly the Dominican Friars, is the largest Baroque church in the city. It was built on the site of a Gothic church, in 1744-1769, and was designed by Jan de Witte. The church is characterised by rich sculptural decoration of the interior and façade. In 2020-2021, the Polonica Institute funded conservation work on the sculptures crowning the church's façade. In 2022, laser scanning of the church was carried out.



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Former Dominican Church in Lviv
Former Dominican Church in Lviv, all rights reserved

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