Krzysztof Michal-Jóźwiak, "Criminal Polo Chronicle" - publication of the Polonica Institute
Photo showing Krzysztof Michal-Jóźwiak, \"Criminal Polo Chronicle\" - publication of the Polonica Institute
Krzysztof Michal-Jóźwiak, "Criminal Polo Chronicle" - publication of the Polonica Institute
Photo showing Krzysztof Michal-Jóźwiak, \"Criminal Polo Chronicle\" - publication of the Polonica Institute
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ID: publ-000030-P/160162

Krzysztof Michal-Jóźwiak, "Criminal Polo Chronicle" - publication of the Polonica Institute

ID: publ-000030-P/160162

Krzysztof Michal-Jóźwiak, "Criminal Polo Chronicle" - publication of the Polonica Institute

This publication hides many secrets, stories with a thrill.... At the same time, it is also a two-year calendar with many places for notes.

The reader is taken, like a helpless child, on a journey that, like a criminal duo, connects innocent places with murders like from a film script. During this journey, one can learn about the death of a count, experience a murderous struggle for a job as a rubbish collector, fall into the madness of a corpse watcher, escape the executioner from under the axe, meet the monster from Rudziszki and the bloody newsagent, or find oneself in a cursed tenement house and at the stock exchange of the dead. Reading the texts, one can simultaneously see a monastery and a circus, an orgy and a university, a bustling city and a procession of the poisoned.

All the stories are true, all the places really exist. Therefore, after reading, the reader will never look at them again as he did before.

We invite you to read an excerpt from the publication.

Author: Krzysztof Michał-Jóźwiak

Year of publication: 2023

Number of pages: 320

Binding: hardback

Format: 148x210 (A5)

ISBN: 978-83-66172-70-8

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Photo showing Krzysztof Michal-Jóźwiak, \"Criminal Polo Chronicle\" - publication of the Polonica Institute Photo showing Krzysztof Michal-Jóźwiak, \"Criminal Polo Chronicle\" - publication of the Polonica Institute Gallery of the object +1
Krzysztof Michal-Jóźwiak, "Criminal Polo Chronicle" - publication of the Polonica Institute
Photo showing Krzysztof Michal-Jóźwiak, \"Criminal Polo Chronicle\" - publication of the Polonica Institute Photo showing Krzysztof Michal-Jóźwiak, \"Criminal Polo Chronicle\" - publication of the Polonica Institute Gallery of the object +1
Krzysztof Michal-Jóźwiak, "Criminal Polo Chronicle" - publication of the Polonica Institute

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