Home Army soldiers' quarters, commemorated by a cross, photo Stowarzyszenie Odra-Niemen, 2020
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Home Army soldiers\' quarters, commemorated by a cross
Home Army soldiers' quarters, commemorated by a cross, photo Stowarzyszenie Odra-Niemen, 2020
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Home Army soldiers\' quarters, commemorated by a cross
Home Army soldiers' quarters, commemorated by a cross, photo Stowarzyszenie Odra-Niemen, 2020
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Home Army soldiers\' quarters, commemorated by a cross
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ID: WOJ-000709-W/163460 (UA-0402)

Home Army soldiers' quarters, commemorated by a cross

ID: WOJ-000709-W/163460 (UA-0402)

Home Army soldiers' quarters, commemorated by a cross

In the Catholic cemetery, several dozen soldiers of the 27th Volhynian Infantry Division of the Home Army killed in combat against the Germans in the area of Lubomel and Sztunia in the first half of April 1944 were buried in a common plot.

In 1995, the Chełm AK milieu cleaned up the area of the cemetery, the work was financed by the Council for the Protection of Struggle and Martyrdom Sites. The cemetery was fenced off, a central commemoration was set up and a paved path led to it. It consists of a tall metal cross bearing a plaque with the names of more than 30 soldiers buried here and a plaque at the foot of the cross with the inscription: "War cemetery / of soldiers of the 27th Volhynian / Division of the Home Army / in Binduga" (below it the same inscription in Ukrainian). On the second plaque lying at the foot of the cross is engraved the inscription: "Here rest / families from Binduga / and our boys / who fought / 1943 - 1945 / [further list of names] / Founders and Family".


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Photo showing Home Army soldiers\' quarters, commemorated by a cross Photo showing Home Army soldiers\' quarters, commemorated by a cross Gallery of the object +2
Home Army soldiers' quarters, commemorated by a cross, photo Stowarzyszenie Odra-Niemen, 2020
Photo showing Home Army soldiers\' quarters, commemorated by a cross Photo showing Home Army soldiers\' quarters, commemorated by a cross Gallery of the object +2
Home Army soldiers' quarters, commemorated by a cross, photo Stowarzyszenie Odra-Niemen, 2020
Photo showing Home Army soldiers\' quarters, commemorated by a cross Photo showing Home Army soldiers\' quarters, commemorated by a cross Gallery of the object +2
Home Army soldiers' quarters, commemorated by a cross, photo Stowarzyszenie Odra-Niemen, 2020

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