Mogiła legionistów, photo Fundacja Wolność i Demokracja, 2023
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Mogiła legionistów
Mogiła legionistów, photo Fundacja Wolność i Demokracja, 2023
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Mogiła legionistów
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ID: WOJ-000686-W/160806 (UA-0447)

Mogiła legionistów

ID: WOJ-000686-W/160806 (UA-0447)

Mogiła legionistów

In the Bohorodchany cemetery, near the entrance gate, there is a magnificent grave where seven soldiers of the 3rd infantry regiment of the Polish Legions, who were burnt in a barn in the village of Skibaczówka on 27.10.1914, were initially buried in the local cemetery. Their bodies were moved on 4.11.1934 to the cemetery in Bohorodczany. The funeral ceremony and the dedication of the monument on the legionaries' grave was attended by delegations from the army, social organisations and schools.

The monument has the form of a high rectangular slab of multicoloured stone, topped with a metal openwork cross. The inscription reads: "Polegli bohaterowie II Brygady Legionów Polskich / Nikiel Piotr st. szeregowiec 2 pp. 4th Battalion 1893 - 28 X 1914 / Tergonde Kazimierz private 3rd pp. 4th Battalion 13 VII 1891 - 27 X 1914 / Tergonde Jozef private 3rd pp. 4th Battalion 9 II 1894 - 27 X 1914 / Nowak Michal Private 3rd pp. 4th Battalion died 27 X 1914 / Wróblewski Bruno private 3rd pp. 4th Battalion 1893 - 27 X 1914 / 2 unknown legionnaires / From your toil and drudgery - Poland rose to live".



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Photo showing Mogiła legionistów Photo showing Mogiła legionistów Gallery of the object +1
Mogiła legionistów, photo Fundacja Wolność i Demokracja, 2023
Photo showing Mogiła legionistów Photo showing Mogiła legionistów Gallery of the object +1
Mogiła legionistów, photo Fundacja Wolność i Demokracja, 2023

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