Tombstone of Anna and Stanislaw Wysolowski, cemetery in Oprylovce, photo Weronika Bielak, 2019
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo showing Tombstone of Anna and Stanislaw Wysolowski
Inscription from the tombstone of Anna and Stanislaw Wysolowski, cemetery in Oprylovce, photo Weronika Bielak, 2019
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo showing Tombstone of Anna and Stanislaw Wysolowski
Cross from the gravestone of Anna and Stanislaw Wysolowski, cemetery in Oprylovce, photo Weronika Bielak, 2019
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo showing Tombstone of Anna and Stanislaw Wysolowski
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ID: NGR-016283-P/113798

Tombstone of Anna and Stanislaw Wysolowski

Cemetery in Oprylovce
ID: NGR-016283-P/113798

Tombstone of Anna and Stanislaw Wysolowski

Burial site marked by two headstones with cross on base and two-stage plinth. Cross with upper arms terminating in a semicircle with mouldings. The lower ones widening downwards passing into a vertical plate. At the intersection of the arms of the cross an engraved inscription. The first step of the plinth with chamfered upper edges. Second step of pedestal topped with moulding. The gravestones with an engraved cross on the face.


TU / SPOCZYWAJĄ / S. P. / STANISŁAW I ANNA / STAZYJA WYSOLOWSKI / ŻYLI LAT 80 † 7/17 . 70 † / 10/3. ZM. 1926 //.

Time of origin:

ca. 1927

Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Tomb number 3
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