Tombstone of Antonina Zalewska, cemetery in Puźniki, as of 2008., photo Bartłomiej Gutowski, 2008
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo showing Tombstone of Antonina Zalewska
Tombstone of Antonina Zalewska, cemetery in Puzniki, state from 2008, photo autorzy karty, 2008
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo showing Tombstone of Antonina Zalewska
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ID: NGR-002202-P/2371

Tombstone of Antonina Zalewska

Cemetery in Puzniki
ID: NGR-002202-P/2371

Tombstone of Antonina Zalewska

Burial site originally marked by a cross stylised as a tree trunk on a rock-shaped plinth and base. On the front of the cross relief carved oak leaves. The base is rusticated. On the pedestal to the front a relief carved figure of an angel positioned to the left. The angel's head folded over its left shoulder, its hands supporting a plaque in the form of an unfolded scroll with an engraved inscription.


TU / SPOCZYWA / Ś.P. / ANTONINA / ZALEWSKA / *.1914 +.1933 / POKÓJ JEJ / DUSZY //.

Time of origin:


Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Tomb number 19
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