Tombstone of Boleslavs Dovgjali and Michal Zaleski, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Tombstone of Boleslavs Dovgjali and Michal Zaleski
Tombstone of Boleslavs Dovgjali and Michal Zaleski, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Tombstone of Boleslavs Dovgjali and Michal Zaleski
Tombstone of Boleslavs Dovgjali and Michal Zaleski, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Tombstone of Boleslavs Dovgjali and Michal Zaleski
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ID: NGR-014264-P/98409

Tombstone of Boleslavs Dovgjali and Michal Zaleski

St Michael's Cemetery in Riga
ID: NGR-014264-P/98409

Tombstone of Boleslavs Dovgjali and Michal Zaleski

Burial place marked by an iron cross on a moulded plinth. Cross with arms ending in an arch in a donkey's back, framed by a floral motif, on a moulded plinth. At the intersection of the arms a cast, convex inscription (1). Leaning against the tombstone is a marble plaque enclosed by a segmental arch, with an engraved inscription (2). In front of the tombstone are two bands, with profiled upper edges. The whole is enclosed by a fence on a foundation consisting of twisted rods ending in a lily motif, decorated with channel bars arranged in a heart motif, connected by slats. In the corners higher straight bars, terminating in an onion-shaped form. Entrance on the right side, no wicket.


(1) S. P. MichaĪ Zalesky / r. 4 g. 1883, um. 15. mai 1900. //.
(2) + / BOLESLAVS DOVGJALIO / * 7. X 1879 + 1. VII 1943 / RĪGAS CEMENTA FABRIKA //.

Related persons:

Time of origin:


Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Sector number 20 Tomb number 24


150 x 74 x 33 cm

Additional dimensions:

cross: 126 x 74 x 3, fence: 119 x 255 x 432, band (both same dimensions): 13 x 82 x 110, plaque 28 x 56 x 3


marble, iron, grey magmatic rocks (syenite, granodiorite, grey granite and others)

Additional Information about materials:

grey granite base

State of preservation:

corrosion, mosses, lichens

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

dr Magdalena Olszewska

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski
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Tombstone of Boleslavs Dovgjali and Michal Zaleski Photo showing Tombstone of Boleslavs Dovgjali and Michal Zaleski Gallery of the object +2
Tombstone of Boleslavs Dovgjali and Michal Zaleski, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska, 2022, all rights reserved
Tombstone of Boleslavs Dovgjali and Michal Zaleski Photo showing Tombstone of Boleslavs Dovgjali and Michal Zaleski Gallery of the object +2
Tombstone of Boleslavs Dovgjali and Michal Zaleski, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska, 2022, all rights reserved
Tombstone of Boleslavs Dovgjali and Michal Zaleski Photo showing Tombstone of Boleslavs Dovgjali and Michal Zaleski Gallery of the object +2
Tombstone of Boleslavs Dovgjali and Michal Zaleski, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska, 2022, all rights reserved

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