Nagrobek Eugenii, Leo, Leona i Malwiny Jelita-Wierzejskich na cmentarzu w Czortkowie, photo Anna Kotowicz, Agnieszka Oporska, 2001
Photo showing Tombstone of Eugenia, Leo, Leon and Malwina Jelita-Wierzejski
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ID: NGR-018091-P/162831

Tombstone of Eugenia, Leo, Leon and Malwina Jelita-Wierzejski

Cemetery in Chortkiv
ID: NGR-018091-P/162831

Tombstone of Eugenia, Leo, Leon and Malwina Jelita-Wierzejski

Red sandstone, 300 x 115 x 95
Burial site originally marked by an obelisk on a two-stage plinth and base. The obelisk has been lost and lies nearby. Convex carved cross on the front, at the intersection of the arms a burning heart framed by a circle. The plinth covered by a moulded panel, with an inscription engraved in the upper part (1). This section placed on a plinth covered by a larger moulded rectangular panel. On the front, in the lower part, a relief moulded frame with eyelets and an engraved inscription (2).


1. MALWINA JELITA WIERZEJSKA / żona c.k. str. Geometry / * 24. XII. 1850 + 22. V. 1893 / z dwojga dziećmi / LEONEM i EUGENIĄ / zmarłemi w roku 1890 / i [...] //.
2. LEO JELITA WIERZEJSKI / c.k. str. Gemetra ewind. / * 8. II. 1846 + 25 XI. 1901 //.

Time of origin:

ca. 1893


300 x 115 x 95 cm



State of preservation:

mosses, lichens, stratification

Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

upper part of gravestone in the form of an obelisk collapsed but without major damage


  • Anna Sylwia Czyż, Bartłomiej Gutowski, Karolina Vyšata, Anna Zdzieborska, „Cmentarze dawnego powiatu czortkowskiego"

Date of documentation:




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Author of the documentation sheet:

Anna Kotowicz, Agnieszka Oporska

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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Photo showing Tombstone of Eugenia, Leo, Leon and Malwina Jelita-Wierzejski
Nagrobek Eugenii, Leo, Leona i Malwiny Jelita-Wierzejskich na cmentarzu w Czortkowie, photo Anna Kotowicz, Agnieszka Oporska, 2001

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