Tombstone of Ewa and Wawrzyniec Nizia, cemetery in Boryczówka, photo autorzy karty, 2017
Photo showing Tombstone of Ewa and Wawrzyniec Nizia
Fragment of a tombstone of Ewa and Wawrzyniec Nizia, cemetery in Boryczówka, photo autorzy karty, 2017
Photo showing Tombstone of Ewa and Wawrzyniec Nizia
Inscription from the tombstone of Ewa and Wawrzyniec Nizia, Boryczówka cemetery, photo autorzy karty, 2017
Photo showing Tombstone of Ewa and Wawrzyniec Nizia
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ID: NGR-017589-P/142103

Tombstone of Ewa and Wawrzyniec Nizia

Cemetery in Boryczówka
ID: NGR-017589-P/142103

Tombstone of Ewa and Wawrzyniec Nizia

Burial place originally marked by a cross and weeping figure on a two-stepped plinth and two-stepped base. Cross lies beside gravestone, convex carved figure of Christ at intersection of arms, titulus above. The steps of the base glazed. The first step of the plinth with moulded upper edges, an engraved signature to the front. The second step of the pedestal with a simplified beam consisting of architrave and cornice, an engraved inscription to the front.


WAWRZYNIEC + EWA / NIZIO / * 1851 + 1928 * 1867 + 1924 //.

Related persons:

Time of origin:

1928- 1931

Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Tomb number 10


236 x 110 x 120 cm



Ceator's signature:

Michał Konrad Strusów //.


Michał Konrad (zakład kamieniarski; Tarnopol)(preview)

State of preservation:

numerous cavities, mosses, lichens, cracks, fragmented structure, overturned finial (preserved)

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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Tombstone of Ewa and Wawrzyniec Nizia, cemetery in Boryczówka Photo showing Tombstone of Ewa and Wawrzyniec Nizia Gallery of the object +2
Tombstone of Ewa and Wawrzyniec Nizia, cemetery in Boryczówka, photo autorzy karty, 2017
Fragment of a tombstone of Ewa and Wawrzyniec Nizia, cemetery in Boryczówka Photo showing Tombstone of Ewa and Wawrzyniec Nizia Gallery of the object +2
Fragment of a tombstone of Ewa and Wawrzyniec Nizia, cemetery in Boryczówka, photo autorzy karty, 2017
Inscription from the tombstone of Ewa and Wawrzyniec Nizia, Boryczówka cemetery Photo showing Tombstone of Ewa and Wawrzyniec Nizia Gallery of the object +2
Inscription from the tombstone of Ewa and Wawrzyniec Nizia, Boryczówka cemetery, photo autorzy karty, 2017

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