Tombstone of Feliks Sujkowski in the Olšany Cemetery in Prague, photo Bartłomiej Gutowski, 2023
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytut Polonika, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Tombstone of Feliks Sójkowski
Tombstone of Feliks Sujkowski in the Olšany Cemetery in Prague, photo Bartłomiej Gutowski, 2023
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytut Polonika, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Tombstone of Feliks Sójkowski
Tombstone of Feliks Sujkowski in the Olšany Cemetery in Prague, photo 1920-1939
License: public domain, Source: Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Tombstone of Feliks Sójkowski
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ID: POL-001846-P/150453

Tombstone of Feliks Sójkowski

ID: POL-001846-P/150453

Tombstone of Feliks Sójkowski

Feliks Sójkowski (Sujkowski) was born in 1840 or 1844, was the son of an 1831 insurgent, and began studying at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Warsaw, which was solemnly reactivated in November 1862. Sójkowski's biography gives the year 1861, but at that time the Academy of Medicine and Surgery had not yet been transformed into the University of Warsaw. He interrupted his studies by joining the uprising. He fought first in Jankowski's unit, then with Langiewicz and finally with Lelewel. On 10th October he was taken prisoner by the Russians and sent to Siberia, where in 1869 he was conscripted into the tsarist army, with which he ended up in Prussia in 1876, at which point he deserted and fled to Prague, where he was imprisoned for vagrancy, where he died on 7th February 1877.

Grave location: part II, ward 1, grave number 195.

The gravestone is included in the care programme of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland since 2021 on the basis of an agreement with the Cemetery Administration in Prague. The tombstone underwent conservation work in 2021.

Original inscription

A tombstone in the form of an obelisk, with a suspended wreath at the front, on a plinth passing stepwise into a wider slab at the bottom decorated with an Ionic kimation. On the pedestal a plaque on the front, now only a fragment of the inscription is preserved

Fe[...] / [...]uhdy p[...] / [.]ojoval [...] / [...] / [...] / [...] //.

Original inscription: Felix Sójkowski, druhdy poslucháč university varšavské / bojoval v povstání polském r. 1863 / byl zajat i odsonaen do Sibiře / kudž na atéku v[l]aze zatčen / [...] 1877 [...] //.

Related persons:

Time of origin:

kon. XIX w. (?)

Supplementary bibliography:

„Zmarli na wychodztwie, od 1873 ro 1878 roku”, „Rocznik Towarzystwa Historyczno-Literackiego w Paryżu”, t. 2, 1873-1878, s. 413. 



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Bartłomiej Gutowski
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Photo showing Tombstone of Feliks Sójkowski Photo showing Tombstone of Feliks Sójkowski Gallery of the object +2
Tombstone of Feliks Sujkowski in the Olšany Cemetery in Prague, photo Bartłomiej Gutowski, 2023
Photo showing Tombstone of Feliks Sójkowski Photo showing Tombstone of Feliks Sójkowski Gallery of the object +2
Tombstone of Feliks Sujkowski in the Olšany Cemetery in Prague, photo Bartłomiej Gutowski, 2023
Photo showing Tombstone of Feliks Sójkowski Photo showing Tombstone of Feliks Sójkowski Gallery of the object +2
Tombstone of Feliks Sujkowski in the Olšany Cemetery in Prague, photo 1920-1939

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