Nagrobek Henryki i Ludwika Wołowskich oraz Laury Guérin, cmentarz Père-Lachaise, Paryż (Francja), photo prof. Sławomir Górzyński, 2024
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytut Polonika, Modified: yes, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Tombstone of Henriques and Louis Wołowski and Laura Guérin
Nagrobek Henryki i Ludwika Wołowskich oraz Laury Guérin, cmentarz Père-Lachaise, Paryż (Francja), photo prof. Sławomir Górzyński, 2024
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytut Polonika, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Tombstone of Henriques and Louis Wołowski and Laura Guérin
Nagrobek Henryki i Ludwika Wołowskich oraz Laury Guérin, cmentarz Père-Lachaise, Paryż (Francja), photo prof. Sławomir Górzyński, 2018
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytut Polonika, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Tombstone of Henriques and Louis Wołowski and Laura Guérin
Nagrobek Henryki i Ludwika Wołowskich oraz Laury Guérin, cmentarz Père-Lachaise, Paryż (Francja), photo prof. Sławomir Górzyński, 2018
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytut Polonika, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Tombstone of Henriques and Louis Wołowski and Laura Guérin
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ID: NGR-018724-P/170285

Tombstone of Henriques and Louis Wołowski and Laura Guérin

Père-Lachaise Cemetery
ID: NGR-018724-P/170285

Tombstone of Henriques and Louis Wołowski and Laura Guérin

On a low pedestal a slightly sloping slab with a high coffin-shaped jardiniere with notched feet along the length of the slab, at the head on a two-sided pedestal a vertical stele with a faceted panel topped with a semicircle, on which a small cross on a small pedestal.



Time of origin:


Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Sector number 26 Tomb number 59


265 x 100 x 200 cm

Additional dimensions:

plinth: 10 x 100 x 200 cm, panel: 16 x 76 x 135 cm, jardiniere: 47 x 76 x 120 cm; front height: 85 cm (including jardiniere), rear: 265 cm


coloured magmatic rocks (granite, syenite and others), marble

Additional Information about materials:

honed granite (plinth, slab, jardiniere), white marble (stele), fence marks on plinth

Ceator's signature:

Garreau Mer //.


Garreau Mer (zakład kamieniarski; Paryż)

Additional information:

[no. conc.:] CONCESSION À PERPÉTUITÉ. NO. 88.998. 166 P. 1847d

Location: div. 26, ru. 1 ch. Moliére, gr. 9 ch. du Dragon.

Laura Clara Maria Guérin (b. 13 February 1814, Paris; d. 16 December 1899, Paris) was the daughter of Henri Guérin and Catherine Caroline Joséphine Lanckorońska, and the widow of Ludwik Wołowski, a well-known representative of Polish emigration in France. She died at the age of 85 at her residence at 81 rue Taitbout, provided with the sacraments of the Church. The funeral took place on 18 December 1899, following a funeral service at the parish church de la Trinité, where she was temporarily buried. On 16 March 1900, the body was moved to a permanent burial place, registered in the B.C. Burial Books under the annual number 2017 and the general number 88998 (B.C. Burial Books; ZKwBP). Laura's death was announced in a French hourglass signed by Louis Passy (son-in-law), Miss Marie Passy (granddaughter), Mrs Faucher (Léon's wife, sister-in-law), Mrs Czerwiakowska, Mrs Wójcikiewicz, Mr Jasieński and wife (nephews and nieces), and Mr Levasseur and wife and children (cousins and cousins). According to the B.C. Burial Books, she was listed as Laura Clara Marie Guérin, widow of Wolowski, resident in the 9th arrondissement (AdP, AD Paris 9e No. 1609 of 1899).

D.C.: the c. was purchased by Ludwik Wolowski for a grave for his daughter Miss Henryka Wolowski. According to the B.C. Burial Books: in addition she was buried in the grave. 13 March 1895. Wołowski wife of Passy Fanny, annual number 1611, death certificate number in merostie 421, aged 50, married in Paris 9ym, exhumed and transported 16 March 1900 to Gisors (Eure); Fanny dit Françoise Marie Ca-therine Wolowski aged 50, pensioner, born. in Paris, d.o.b. 9 March 1895, in the marital flat rue de Clichy 45, daughter of Louis Wolowski deceased and Laure Marie Clara Guérin his widow aged 80 d.o.b. rue de Clichy 45, wife of Louis Paulin Passy aged 64, député de l'Eure (AdP AD Paris 9e no. 421 of 1895); death notice in BullPol no. 81 of 15 April 1895 p. 96; born 4 March 1845. in Paris at her parents' flat rue Bergere 21, daughter of Louis Raymond François Michel Wolowski, professor at the School of Arts and Crafts (proffeseur Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers) aged 34 and Laure Marie Clara Guerin aged 31 his wife, married in Paris on 11 th 21 March 1833(AdP, AN ; AMP MD, div. 26, no. 37 d. 17 III 1847. Henriette Wolowska, pierre debout grille, corbeille, 1x2, no. 88998 conc. 166 d. 17 March 1847 Louis Wolowski (21 rue Bergere), perpetual.

Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

In 2008, the tombstone was restored by the TOZ with funds from the Zygmunt Zaleski Foundation (ATOZ); Measurement drawing, 3 projections, scale 1:20, made by B. Kłosowicz , nd. [2008](ATOZ); Documentation of conservation works carried out at the Père-Lachaise cemetery in Paris, Tomb of Ludwik Wołowski , commissioned by the Society for the Care of Polish Historical Monuments and Tombs in France n.d.[2008] (ATOZ); 27 July 2009. Andrzej Niewęgłowski, President of the TOZ applied for financial support for the renovation of the graves of Ludwik Wołowski's family to Crédit Foncier; conc. under the care of the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Paris and the TOZ (2007).

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

prof. Sławomir Górzyński
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Photo showing Tombstone of Henriques and Louis Wołowski and Laura Guérin Photo showing Tombstone of Henriques and Louis Wołowski and Laura Guérin Gallery of the object +3
Nagrobek Henryki i Ludwika Wołowskich oraz Laury Guérin, cmentarz Père-Lachaise, Paryż (Francja), photo prof. Sławomir Górzyński, 2024
Photo showing Tombstone of Henriques and Louis Wołowski and Laura Guérin Photo showing Tombstone of Henriques and Louis Wołowski and Laura Guérin Gallery of the object +3
Nagrobek Henryki i Ludwika Wołowskich oraz Laury Guérin, cmentarz Père-Lachaise, Paryż (Francja), photo prof. Sławomir Górzyński, 2024
Photo showing Tombstone of Henriques and Louis Wołowski and Laura Guérin Photo showing Tombstone of Henriques and Louis Wołowski and Laura Guérin Gallery of the object +3
Nagrobek Henryki i Ludwika Wołowskich oraz Laury Guérin, cmentarz Père-Lachaise, Paryż (Francja), photo prof. Sławomir Górzyński, 2018
Photo showing Tombstone of Henriques and Louis Wołowski and Laura Guérin Photo showing Tombstone of Henriques and Louis Wołowski and Laura Guérin Gallery of the object +3
Nagrobek Henryki i Ludwika Wołowskich oraz Laury Guérin, cmentarz Père-Lachaise, Paryż (Francja), photo prof. Sławomir Górzyński, 2018

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