Cross from the gravestone of Jan, Krystyna and Maciej Jasiński, Bucniów cemetery, photo Marta Olender, 2023
Photo showing Tombstone of Jan, Krystyna and Maciej Jasiński
Inscription from the tombstone of Jan, Krystyna and Maciej Jasiński, Bucniowie cemetery, photo Marta Olender, 2023
Photo showing Tombstone of Jan, Krystyna and Maciej Jasiński
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ID: NGR-014921-P/110556

Tombstone of Jan, Krystyna and Maciej Jasiński

Cemetery in Bucniowie
ID: NGR-014921-P/110556

Tombstone of Jan, Krystyna and Maciej Jasiński

Burial place marked by a cross on a two-stage plinth and base. Cross on plinth, on which is a relief figure of Christ. Base with chamfered upper edges. The first step of the plinth with chamfered upper side edges with a moulding. On the front face an engraved inscription (1). The second step of the plinth enclosed by a simplified beam. On the front wall an engraved inscription (1).


(1) + / TU / Spoczywa / CHRYSTYnA / JASIŃSKA / PRZYŻYłA LAT 88 / 1910 / I SYN Jan JAsiński / ZmArł . 23. GrudniA 1913. / PSZEZYŁ LAT .  70 //. <br /><br 
/> (2) I syn . JAna MACIeJ / pszezył lAt . 39 . //. 

Time of origin:

ca. 1914

Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Tomb number 27


210 x 100 x 105 cm

Additional dimensions:

cross H 96 D 18 W 40



State of preservation:

mosses, lichens

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Zofia Urban, Marta Olender

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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Cross from the gravestone of Jan, Krystyna and Maciej Jasiński, Bucniów cemetery Photo showing Tombstone of Jan, Krystyna and Maciej Jasiński Gallery of the object +1
Cross from the gravestone of Jan, Krystyna and Maciej Jasiński, Bucniów cemetery, photo Marta Olender, 2023
Inscription from the tombstone of Jan, Krystyna and Maciej Jasiński, Bucniowie cemetery Photo showing Tombstone of Jan, Krystyna and Maciej Jasiński Gallery of the object +1
Inscription from the tombstone of Jan, Krystyna and Maciej Jasiński, Bucniowie cemetery, photo Marta Olender, 2023

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