Tombstone of Józef and Wiktoria Żurakowski and Mikołaj and Wanda Merey de Kaposmere, cemetery in Hłuboczek Wielki, photo Joanna Barańska, 2017
Photo showing Tombstone of Józef and Wiktoria Żurakowski and Mikołaj and Wanda Merey de Kaposmere
Inscription from the gravestone of Jozef and Wiktoria Żurakowski and Mikołaj and Wanda Merey de Kaposmere, cemetery in Hłuboczek Wielki, photo Joanna Barańska, 2017
Photo showing Tombstone of Józef and Wiktoria Żurakowski and Mikołaj and Wanda Merey de Kaposmere
Inscription from the gravestone of Jozef and Wiktoria Żurakowski and Mikołaj and Wanda Merey de Kaposmere, cemetery in Hłuboczek Wielki, photo Joanna Barańska, 2017
Photo showing Tombstone of Józef and Wiktoria Żurakowski and Mikołaj and Wanda Merey de Kaposmere
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ID: NGR-014380-P/109284

Tombstone of Józef and Wiktoria Żurakowski and Mikołaj and Wanda Merey de Kaposmere

Cemetery in Hlubochok Veliky
ID: NGR-014380-P/109284

Tombstone of Józef and Wiktoria Żurakowski and Mikołaj and Wanda Merey de Kaposmere

Burial site marked by an obelisk on a two-stepped plinth and four-stepped base. On the obelisk at the front a relief cross. Glazed base steps. Second, third and fourth base steps with chamfered upper edges. First step of plinth with chamfered upper edges, with engraved inscription on each side. The second step of the pedestal with panels with quarter-circle chamfered corners on each side, filled with glazing on which are bas-relief heraldic cartouches: in front, Sas coat of arms of the Żurakowskis, on the left side, Garapich coat of arms and Sas coat of arms, on the back, Pelican coat of arms (Mérey de Kapos-Mere), on the right side, Sas coat of arms and Pelican coat of arms. On each side, above the coats of arms, bas-relief open crowns.


Front: JÓZEF ŻURAKOWSKI / Major b. wojsk polskich / ozdobiony Krzyżem „Virtuti milita[ri]” / ur. 1804. zm. 1874. //.
Lewy bok: WIKTORJA / Z GARAPICHÓW / ŻURAKOWSKA / ur. 1813. zm. 1857. //.
Tył: MIKOŁAJ MEREY / de / KAPOSMERE / c. k. Jenerał – major / Szambelan J.C.K.A.M. / ur. 1817. zm. 1896. //.
Prawy bok: WAND[A] Z ŻURAKOWSKICH / MEREY de [K]APOSMERE. / ur. 183[5?] zm. 1898. //.

Time of origin:

ca. 1857

Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Tomb number 5
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