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ID: NGR-001165-P/1272

Tombstone of Karol and Tekla Romanow

Cemetery in Krynica (Korostatyń)
ID: NGR-001165-P/1272

Tombstone of Karol and Tekla Romanow

The burial place is marked by a gravestone, at the head of which is a cast-iron cross. A tubular cross, with arms ending in a stylised trilliform. The intersection of the arms is covered from the top with channel bars, from the bottom with sigmoid bars extending along the entire length of the lower arm. Below is a plaque with an engraved inscription. The whole is surrounded by a cast-iron fence.


Tu / spoczywa / Karol i Tekla / Romanów / pomordowani / 28/II 1944 /  przeżywszy lat / Karol 10 Tekla 18 / cześć ich pamięci //.

Time of origin:


Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Tomb number 14
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