Tombstone of Katarzyna Waydwicz, Maków cemetery, photo autorzy karty, 1999
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo showing Tombstone of Catherine Waydwicz
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ID: NGR-018251-P/163292

Tombstone of Catherine Waydwicz

Maków cemetery
ID: NGR-018251-P/163292

Tombstone of Catherine Waydwicz

A three-part tombstone - a two-tier base, a two-tier plinth, the higher part of which is with a base and capitol, the finial in the form of a crucifix, the arms of which end in a trifoliate.

On the eastern side of the pedestal, in a rectangular panel, there is an inscription.


W tobiem Bo- / że ufała a nie / będę zawie- / dziona //.

Tu leży Ś. P. Kata- / rzyna z Zielińskich / Waydwiczowa prze- / żywszy lat 109 prze- / niosła się do wie- / czności - d. 7. Lutego / 1846. R, Zostawiwszy / Wnuki prawnuki / i praprawnuki //.

Related persons:

Time of origin:


Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Tomb number 15


428 x 96 x 96 cm



Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

Tombstone covered with white paint, well preserved. The object is in need of conservation.

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Joanna Dembowska-Butkiewicz
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Photo showing Tombstone of Catherine Waydwicz
Tombstone of Katarzyna Waydwicz, Maków cemetery, photo autorzy karty, 1999

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