Tombstone of Maria Wiszniowska, cemetery in Borki Wielkie, photo Joanna Barańska, 2018, all rights reserved
Photo showing Tombstone of Maria Wiszniowska
Fragment of Maria Wiszniowska's tombstone, Borki Wielkie cemetery, photo Joanna Barańska, 2018, all rights reserved
Photo showing Tombstone of Maria Wiszniowska
Statue from the gravestone of Maria Wiszniowska, cemetery in Borki Wielkie, photo Joanna Barańska, 2018, all rights reserved
Photo showing Tombstone of Maria Wiszniowska
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ID: NGR-014595-P/109787

Tombstone of Maria Wiszniowska

Cemetery in Borki Wielkie
ID: NGR-014595-P/109787

Tombstone of Maria Wiszniowska

Burial site originally marked by a sculptural group depicting Our Lady of Fatima with three children, on a two-tier plinth and three-tier base. Sculptural group lost, lying next to it. Our Lady is dressed in a long gown, tied at the waist, with a cloak over her shoulders. On her left arm she holds a boy, whom she supports with her right hand. The boy, dressed in an alb, is shown seated, with his left hand folded over his heart. Below, two girls in long dresses, holding hands. The girl on the left holds a book, the child on the right holds her right hand over her heart. Third step of base with chamfered top edges. First step of plinth with moulded top edges. Second step of pedestal high, covered with moulded panels on which a hipped canopy. On two sides engraved frames with quarter circular chamfered corners. On the front an engraved frame closed in a semicircle with quarter circular chamfered lower corners, within which is an engraved inscription.


+ / Tu Spoczywa / ś.p. MARYA / WISZNIÓWSKA / żyła lat 77 umarła / R. 1891. / -.- //.

Related persons:

Time of origin:


Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Tomb number 3


199 x 110 x 108 cm

Additional dimensions:

sculptural group: 120 x 50 x 30


concrete/jewel concrete

State of preservation:

mosses, lichens, fragmented structure, cavities

Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

the unpreserved head of the Virgin Mary

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Joanna Barańska, Kacper Abramczyk

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski
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Tombstone of Maria Wiszniowska, cemetery in Borki Wielkie Photo showing Tombstone of Maria Wiszniowska Gallery of the object +2
Tombstone of Maria Wiszniowska, cemetery in Borki Wielkie, photo Joanna Barańska, 2018, all rights reserved
Fragment of Maria Wiszniowska's tombstone, Borki Wielkie cemetery Photo showing Tombstone of Maria Wiszniowska Gallery of the object +2
Fragment of Maria Wiszniowska's tombstone, Borki Wielkie cemetery, photo Joanna Barańska, 2018, all rights reserved
Statue from the gravestone of Maria Wiszniowska, cemetery in Borki Wielkie Photo showing Tombstone of Maria Wiszniowska Gallery of the object +2
Statue from the gravestone of Maria Wiszniowska, cemetery in Borki Wielkie, photo Joanna Barańska, 2018, all rights reserved

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