Tombstone of Pavlin Ródnik, cemetery in Oprylovce, photo Beata Kowalczyk, 2019
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo showing Tombstone of Pavlin Ródnik
Inscription from the gravestone of Pavlin Ródnik, cemetery in Oprylovce, photo Beata Kowalczyk, 2019
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo showing Tombstone of Pavlin Ródnik
Cross from the gravestone of Pavlin Ródnik, cemetery in Oprylovce, photo Beata Kowalczyk, 2019
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo showing Tombstone of Pavlin Ródnik
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ID: NGR-016805-P/117198

Tombstone of Pavlin Ródnik

Cemetery in Oprylovce
ID: NGR-016805-P/117198

Tombstone of Pavlin Ródnik

Burial place originally marked by a gravestone, at the head of which is a cross on a two-stepped plinth. The cross widening downwards, the arms stylised as a trillium, on the front an engraved frame repeating the shape of the cross, inside an engraved inscription. On the first and second steps of the pedestal on the front and on the side walls, engraved frames with quarter-circle chamfered corners. The slab on the base tapering downwards with an engraved cross in the centre.


TU / SPOCZY[W]A S.P / PAWLIN [...] RÓDNIK / Ż L 20 Z[...] 1911. R [...] //.

Related persons:

Time of origin:

ca. 1911

Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Tomb number 63


20 x 78 x 152 cm



State of preservation:

destruct, numerous cavities, mosses, lichens, cracks, fragmented structure

Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

fragments of the cross lie scattered about

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Beata Kowalczyk

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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Tombstone of Pavlin Ródnik, cemetery in Oprylovce Photo showing Tombstone of Pavlin Ródnik Gallery of the object +2
Tombstone of Pavlin Ródnik, cemetery in Oprylovce, photo Beata Kowalczyk, 2019
Inscription from the gravestone of Pavlin Ródnik, cemetery in Oprylovce Photo showing Tombstone of Pavlin Ródnik Gallery of the object +2
Inscription from the gravestone of Pavlin Ródnik, cemetery in Oprylovce, photo Beata Kowalczyk, 2019
Cross from the gravestone of Pavlin Ródnik, cemetery in Oprylovce Photo showing Tombstone of Pavlin Ródnik Gallery of the object +2
Cross from the gravestone of Pavlin Ródnik, cemetery in Oprylovce, photo Beata Kowalczyk, 2019

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