Tombstone of Wladyslaw Romotowski and Elzbieta Zienkowicz, Na Rossie cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013, photo autorzy karty
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source:
Photo showing Tombstone of Władysław Romotowski and Elżbieta Zienkowicz
Fragment of a tombstone of Wladyslaw Romotowski and Elzbieta Zienkowicz, Na Rossie cemetery in Vilnius, state of 2013, photo autorzy karty
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source:
Photo showing Tombstone of Władysław Romotowski and Elżbieta Zienkowicz
Fragment of a tombstone of Wladyslaw Romotowski and Elzbieta Zienkowicz, Na Rossie cemetery in Vilnius, state of 2013, photo autorzy karty
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source:
Photo showing Tombstone of Władysław Romotowski and Elżbieta Zienkowicz
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ID: NGR-008530-P/75971

Tombstone of Władysław Romotowski and Elżbieta Zienkowicz

Rossa Cemetery in Vilnius
ID: NGR-008530-P/75971

Tombstone of Władysław Romotowski and Elżbieta Zienkowicz

Burial place marked by cast iron cross on stele. Slatted cross with arms ending in florets on a plinth with chamfered upper edges. A trace of the Christ figure at the intersection of the arms. The stele is stylised as a pile of stones with plaques in the form of a scroll of paper. On the plaque a panel with chamfered upper corners and lower quarter circular chamfers. In the panel an oval space for a photograph, below this a convex inscription. Below the panel, an engraved inscription.


w płycinie: S.P. WŁADYSŁAW/ ROMOTOWSKI/ G: INŻYNIER/ ZM. 29 MARCA 1883R./ WIEKU LAT 28.//. poniżej: Wszystkie tu zagrzebane / zostały nadzieje Matka zbolała od chwili rozstania aż do grobu/ prosi o modły do Boga!/ - / Elżbieta Zienkowicz/ lat 22 poleca się modlitwą. //.

Time of origin:

ca. 1885

Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Tomb number 92


170 x 64 x 45 cm


cast iron, grey magmatic rocks (syenite, granodiorite, grey granite and others)

Additional Information about materials:

the material of the finial is cast iron

Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

no statue of Christ

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Karolina Kuzka, Dominika Macios

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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Tombstone of Wladyslaw Romotowski and Elzbieta Zienkowicz, Na Rossie cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013 Photo showing Tombstone of Władysław Romotowski and Elżbieta Zienkowicz Gallery of the object +2
Tombstone of Wladyslaw Romotowski and Elzbieta Zienkowicz, Na Rossie cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013, photo autorzy karty
Fragment of a tombstone of Wladyslaw Romotowski and Elzbieta Zienkowicz, Na Rossie cemetery in Vilnius, state of 2013 Photo showing Tombstone of Władysław Romotowski and Elżbieta Zienkowicz Gallery of the object +2
Fragment of a tombstone of Wladyslaw Romotowski and Elzbieta Zienkowicz, Na Rossie cemetery in Vilnius, state of 2013, photo autorzy karty
Fragment of a tombstone of Wladyslaw Romotowski and Elzbieta Zienkowicz, Na Rossie cemetery in Vilnius, state of 2013 Photo showing Tombstone of Władysław Romotowski and Elżbieta Zienkowicz Gallery of the object +2
Fragment of a tombstone of Wladyslaw Romotowski and Elzbieta Zienkowicz, Na Rossie cemetery in Vilnius, state of 2013, photo autorzy karty

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