The sanctuary and monastery buildings in Bolshovce during reconstruction, photo Сергій Криниця (Haidamac), 2012
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Photo showing Reconstruction of the Shrine of Our Lady of Bolshovtsy in Bolshovtsy, Ukraine - polychrome stage V
Odbudowa Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Bołszowieckiej w Bołszowcach na Ukrainie - polichromia etap V, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Reconstruction of the Shrine of Our Lady of Bolshovtsy in Bolshovtsy, Ukraine - polychrome stage V
Odbudowa Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Bołszowieckiej w Bołszowcach na Ukrainie - polichromia etap V, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Reconstruction of the Shrine of Our Lady of Bolshovtsy in Bolshovtsy, Ukraine - polychrome stage V
Odbudowa Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Bołszowieckiej w Bołszowcach na Ukrainie - polichromia etap V, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Reconstruction of the Shrine of Our Lady of Bolshovtsy in Bolshovtsy, Ukraine - polychrome stage V
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ID: spol-000060-P/150547

Reconstruction of the Shrine of Our Lady of Bolshovtsy in Bolshovtsy, Ukraine - polychrome stage V

ID: spol-000060-P/150547

Reconstruction of the Shrine of Our Lady of Bolshovtsy in Bolshovtsy, Ukraine - polychrome stage V

Information about the object:
The painting decoration of the church in Bolshovce was created during its reconstruction undertaken by Fr Antoni Barnaba Jablonowski before the coronation of the miraculous image in 1777, as evidenced by the coat of arms with the inscription "ORNAVIT" placed above the illusionistically painted image of the "Miracle of Elijah". Destruction of the paintings during World War I, conservation and renewed destruction during the Soviet era, make stylistic analysis practically impossible. The painting " St. John of the Cross" is one of three scenes painted under the choir, at the entrance to the church. The northern part depicts 'St John of the Cross', the middle part the Penance of St Peter, and the southern part the 'Penance of Mary Magdalene'. The last two paintings have already been restored, only the 'St John of the Cross' remains.

Completed works:
During the works, after a detailed analysis of the preserved fragments of the painting, it became clear that the subject of the representation was not "St John of the Cross", but "St Mary of Egypt", which is an analogous image, close iconographically to "St Mary Magdalene" located in the opposite bay of the arcade vault under the choir.

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad".

More about the project:


  • Prowincja św. Antoniego i bł. Jakuba Strzemię Zakonu Braci Mniejszych Konwentualnych (Franciszkanów), realizacja w roku 2020

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Photo showing Reconstruction of the Shrine of Our Lady of Bolshovtsy in Bolshovtsy, Ukraine - polychrome stage V Photo showing Reconstruction of the Shrine of Our Lady of Bolshovtsy in Bolshovtsy, Ukraine - polychrome stage V Gallery of the object +3
The sanctuary and monastery buildings in Bolshovce during reconstruction, photo Сергій Криниця (Haidamac), 2012
Photo showing Reconstruction of the Shrine of Our Lady of Bolshovtsy in Bolshovtsy, Ukraine - polychrome stage V Photo showing Reconstruction of the Shrine of Our Lady of Bolshovtsy in Bolshovtsy, Ukraine - polychrome stage V Gallery of the object +3
Odbudowa Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Bołszowieckiej w Bołszowcach na Ukrainie - polichromia etap V, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Reconstruction of the Shrine of Our Lady of Bolshovtsy in Bolshovtsy, Ukraine - polychrome stage V Photo showing Reconstruction of the Shrine of Our Lady of Bolshovtsy in Bolshovtsy, Ukraine - polychrome stage V Gallery of the object +3
Odbudowa Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Bołszowieckiej w Bołszowcach na Ukrainie - polichromia etap V, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Reconstruction of the Shrine of Our Lady of Bolshovtsy in Bolshovtsy, Ukraine - polychrome stage V Photo showing Reconstruction of the Shrine of Our Lady of Bolshovtsy in Bolshovtsy, Ukraine - polychrome stage V Gallery of the object +3
Odbudowa Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Bołszowieckiej w Bołszowcach na Ukrainie - polichromia etap V, photo 2020, all rights reserved

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