Gazebo in Alexandria Park, Belaya Cerkieva (Ukraine), photo 1920
License: public domain, Source: Cyfrowe zbiory Biblioteki Narodowej POLONA, Modified: yes, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Alexandria Park in Biała Cerkiew
Gazebo in Alexandria Park, Belaya Cerkieva (Ukraine), photo 1920
License: public domain, Source: Cyfrowe zbiory Biblioteki Narodowej POLONA, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Alexandria Park in Biała Cerkiew
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ID: DAW-000414-P/165959

Alexandria Park in Biała Cerkiew

ID: DAW-000414-P/165959

Alexandria Park in Biała Cerkiew

In 1793-1797, the Branickis' residence in Biała Cerkiew was surrounded by a park established in honour of Aleksandra Engelhardt, wife of Franciszek Ksawery Branicki. At that time, an extensive park was created, full of various plant species imported from all over Europe, enriched with small architectural objects, such as arbours. The Branicki estate, together with the park, remained in their possession until 1914. During World War II, most of the buildings in the park were destroyed. After the war, the site was handed over to the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and reconstruction work began in the 1950s. Some of the buildings, including gazebos and pavilions, were rebuilt. Among the surviving archival photographs, one can see a gazebo, called a rotunda, decorated with columns and a sculpture placed in a niche. Photo source: Digital collections of the National Library POLONA.

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Photo showing Alexandria Park in Biała Cerkiew Photo showing Alexandria Park in Biała Cerkiew Gallery of the object +1
Gazebo in Alexandria Park, Belaya Cerkieva (Ukraine), photo 1920
Photo showing Alexandria Park in Biała Cerkiew Photo showing Alexandria Park in Biała Cerkiew Gallery of the object +1
Gazebo in Alexandria Park, Belaya Cerkieva (Ukraine), photo 1920

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