Crucifixion scene from a polychrome by Jan Henryk Rosen in the Armenian Cathedral in Lviv, Public domain
Source: Polichromia kościoła ormiańskiego we Lwowie pędzla Jana Henryka Rosena, „Świat", 1929, nr 33, s. 7
Photo showing Polychrome of the Armenian Church in Lviv by Jan Henryk Rosen
Scene depicting the Last Supper from a polychrome by Jan Henryk Rosen in the Armenian Cathedral in Lviv, Public domain
Source: Polichromia kościoła ormiańskiego we Lwowie pędzla Jana Henryka Rosena, „Świat", 1929, nr 33, s. 7
Photo showing Polychrome of the Armenian Church in Lviv by Jan Henryk Rosen
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ID: DAW-000208-P/140120

Polychrome of the Armenian Church in Lviv by Jan Henryk Rosen

ID: DAW-000208-P/140120

Polychrome of the Armenian Church in Lviv by Jan Henryk Rosen

The World magazine, 1929, no. 33, p. 7 (public domain, reprinted by the Mazovian Digital Library) published two reproductions of mural paintings by Jan Henryk Rosen completed for the Armenian Cathedral in Lvov. The paintings were created in 1925-1927 and 1928-1929.

Time of origin:



Jan Henryk Rosen (malarz; Polska, Niemcy, Francja, USA)(preview)


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Crucifixion scene from a polychrome by Jan Henryk Rosen in the Armenian Cathedral in Lviv Photo showing Polychrome of the Armenian Church in Lviv by Jan Henryk Rosen Gallery of the object +1
Crucifixion scene from a polychrome by Jan Henryk Rosen in the Armenian Cathedral in Lviv, Public domain
Scene depicting the Last Supper from a polychrome by Jan Henryk Rosen in the Armenian Cathedral in Lviv Photo showing Polychrome of the Armenian Church in Lviv by Jan Henryk Rosen Gallery of the object +1
Scene depicting the Last Supper from a polychrome by Jan Henryk Rosen in the Armenian Cathedral in Lviv, Public domain

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