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ID: POL-000359-P/68758

Polonica in the Dresden Old Masters Picture Gallery

ID: POL-000359-P/68758

Polonica in the Dresden Old Masters Picture Gallery

Variants of the name:

Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister

In the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister gallery you will see:
- the painting "Entry of August III to Warsaw", which was painted by Johann Samuel Mock in 1734
- oil painting "King August III of Poland" from 1775, by Pietro Rotari
- portrait of the young August III from 1715, painted by Hyacinthe Rigaud
- "August III on horseback" by Louis de Silvestre, created around 1718.

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Time of origin:



Louis de Silvestre (malarz; Francja), Johann Samuel Mock (malarz; Niemcy, Polska), Pietro Rotari (malarz; Włochy, Rosja), Hyacinthe Rigaud (malarz; Francja)



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