Polish War Cemetery in Margielan, photo BUDMEX Barcice, 2020
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Polish War Cemetery in Margielan
Polish War Cemetery in Margielan, photo BUDMEX Barcice, 2020
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Polish War Cemetery in Margielan
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ID: WOJ-000070-W/58252 (UZ-0020)

Polish War Cemetery in Margielan

ID: WOJ-000070-W/58252 (UZ-0020)

Polish War Cemetery in Margielan

The 9th Infantry Division of the Polish Armed Forces in the USSR (of the Anders Army) was being formed in the Fergana region towns of Margiełan and Taszłak in January-March 1942. The Soviet military hospital No. 4558 and hospital No. 1036 were located here. At least 43 soldiers died of disease and exhaustion in this village (this is how many names the specialists of the Council for the Protection of Struggle and Martyrdom Remembrance managed to establish), as well as an undetermined number of civilians who came to the places of formation of the Polish units following the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the so-called "amnesty for Polish citizens" announced on 12.08.1941. In 2008, a Polish grave was found in the city's Hodja Egiz cemetery by employees of the Council for the Protection of Remembrance of Struggle and Martyrdom. According to the cemetery's host, Poles were buried in a small area directly adjacent to the main alley. As part of the works carried out by the OPWiM Council in 2010, the area of approximately 307 m2 was fenced with a low stone wall. A monument characteristic of all rebuilt cemeteries was erected on the axis of the entrance - a milepost topped by an eagle bas-relief. Along the access to it, 4 symbolic tombstones with a relief of a cross were placed on each side. At the foot of the monument, on either side of it, plaques have been planted with the established names of those buried. The inscription on the monument in Polish and Uzbek reads: "TU SPOCZYWAJĄ POLACY / 43 SOLDIERS / OF THE POLISH ARMY / GEN. WŁ. ANDERS / AND CIVILIANS / FORMER PRISONERS OF WAR / PRISONERS OF GULAGS / WHO DIED IN 1942. / ON THEIR WAY TO THEIR HOMELAND / HONOUR THEIR MEMORY". At the entrance to the quarters, the OPWiM Council placed information plaques with an inscription in Polish and Uzbek that reads: POLISH / WAR CEMETERY / MARGIELAN / FOUNDED BY / THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND / THANKS TO THE EFFORTS OF THE COUNCIL / FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE MEMORY / OF BATTLES AND MARTYRDOM / WHICH ALSO TAKES / CARE OF IT After the liquidation of the OPWiM Council, the care of the cemetery is financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. In 2018, the renovation of this necropolis was carried out with funds from the Ministry. The Ministry of Culture is also conducting research work to establish a census of civilians buried in cemeteries in Central Asia.



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Polish War Cemetery in Margielan Photo showing Polish War Cemetery in Margielan Gallery of the object +1
Polish War Cemetery in Margielan, photo BUDMEX Barcice, 2020
Polish War Cemetery in Margielan Photo showing Polish War Cemetery in Margielan Gallery of the object +1
Polish War Cemetery in Margielan, photo BUDMEX Barcice, 2020

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