Vladimir Hegel, monument to Dinicu Golescu, Bucharest, 1908, photo 2010, Public domain
Photo showing Monument to Dinicu Golescu in Bucharest
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ID: POL-001242-P/134846

Monument to Dinicu Golescu in Bucharest

ID: POL-001242-P/134846

Monument to Dinicu Golescu in Bucharest

The statue of Dinicu Golescu in Bucharest, by Vladimir Hegel, was created in 1908. It depicts Dinicu Golescu and his four sons Ștefan, Nicolae, Radu and Alexandru. Two sculptors, Carol Storck and Dimitrie Mirea, collaborated with the artist. Hegel himself created the statue of Dinicu Golescu; collaborators sculpted the busts of his sons. The statue is made of bronze, the plinth of sandstone The work has monument status.

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Włodzimierz Hegel (rzeźbiarz; Rumunia)(preview)




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Vladimir Hegel, monument to Dinicu Golescu, Bucharest, 1908
Vladimir Hegel, monument to Dinicu Golescu, Bucharest, 1908, photo 2010, Public domain

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  • Włodzimierz Hegel, pomnik Dinicu Golescu, Bukareszt, 1908
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