Frederic Chopin Square in Tirana, Albania, photo Ambasada RP w Tiranie, 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Ambasada RP w Tiranie
Photo showing Monument to Frederic Chopin in Albania
Monument to Frederic Chopin in Tirana, Albania, photo Ambasada RP w Tiranie, 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Ambasada RP w Tiranie
Photo showing Monument to Frederic Chopin in Albania
Monument to Frederic Chopin in Tirana by Andrzej Renes, 2003, photo Dorota Trzpil, 2023
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytut Polonika, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Monument to Frederic Chopin in Albania
Monument to Frederic Chopin in Tirana by Andrzej Renes, 2003, photo Waldemar Siciński, ok. 2020
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytut Polonika, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Monument to Frederic Chopin in Albania
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ID: POL-001822-P/150377

Monument to Frederic Chopin in Albania

ID: POL-001822-P/150377

Monument to Frederic Chopin in Albania

In November 2003, a monument to Frederic Chopin was unveiled in Tirana. Its author is the Polish sculptor Andrzej Renes, author of the Warsaw monuments to Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński and Katyński, among others. At the end of the 1980s, the artist prepared three cycles of sculptures dedicated to Chopin - the first being representations of his family, the second being 'Impressions' , which are inspired by particular works by the composer, and 'Portraits'. The bust from the monument in Tirana belongs to this series. The sculpture is made of bronze - a figural representation - and copper - a geometric, prism-shaped form that forms the background. The pedestal originally bore the inscription FREDERIK SCHOPEN / 1810-1849 //.

The monument is located in a square named after the Polish composer. Both the monument and its surroundings underwent a revitalisation in spring 2020. Its effect is, among other things, a new plaque with the inscription:

FRYDERYK CHOPIN / 01.03.1810 Żelazowa Wola, PL - 17.10.1849 Paris, FR / By birth - a Varsovian, by heart - a Pole, and by talent - a citizen of the world. / Në origjinë - varshavian, në shpirt - polak, në talent - qytetar i botës mbarë / A Varsavian by birth, a Pole at heart, a citizen of the World by virtue of his talent / C.K. Norwid / On the 210th anniversary of the birth of the great Polish composer / Në 210 vjetorin e lindjes së kompozitorit të madh polak / On the 210th anniversary of the birth of the great Polish composer //. Below are the signs of the Polish Embassy in Tirana, the Tirana Municipality, the Chopin Society in Tirana and the "Niepodległa" Office.

The monument was created as an initiative of the Chopin Society in Albania and the Polish-Albanian Friendship. The construction of the monument was financed by the International Fryderyk Chopin Foundation. The restoration work was carried out to commemorate the 210th anniversary of the birth of the eminent Polish composer.

Related persons:

Time of origin:

bust con. 1980s, memorial 2003, restoration 2020


Andrzej Renes (rzeźbiarz; Warszawa)(preview)




Ostatnia aktualizacja:



Bartłomiej Gutowski
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Photo showing Monument to Frederic Chopin in Albania Photo showing Monument to Frederic Chopin in Albania Gallery of the object +3
Frederic Chopin Square in Tirana, Albania, photo Ambasada RP w Tiranie, 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Monument to Frederic Chopin in Albania Photo showing Monument to Frederic Chopin in Albania Gallery of the object +3
Monument to Frederic Chopin in Tirana, Albania, photo Ambasada RP w Tiranie, 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Monument to Frederic Chopin in Albania Photo showing Monument to Frederic Chopin in Albania Gallery of the object +3
Monument to Frederic Chopin in Tirana by Andrzej Renes, 2003, photo Dorota Trzpil, 2023
Photo showing Monument to Frederic Chopin in Albania Photo showing Monument to Frederic Chopin in Albania Gallery of the object +3
Monument to Frederic Chopin in Tirana by Andrzej Renes, 2003, photo Waldemar Siciński, ok. 2020

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