Tadeusz Kosciuszko Monument, Cooma (New South Wales), photo Sandra Brown, 2015
License: public domain, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Monument to Tadeusz Kościuszko
Plaque on the monument to Tadeusz Kosciuszko, Cooma (New South Wales), photo Sandra Brown, 2015
License: public domain, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Monument to Tadeusz Kościuszko
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ID: POL-000487-P/76236

Monument to Tadeusz Kościuszko

ID: POL-000487-P/76236

Monument to Tadeusz Kościuszko

Variants of the name:

Kościuszko Memorial

The monument, unveiled in 1989 by John Dowie and Stanislaw Ostoja-Kotkowski, was funded by the Council of Polish Associations. The monument commemorates not only Tadeusz Kosciuszko, but also the discovery of Mt Kosciuszko, the highest peak in Australia, by the Polish explorer Pawel Edmund Strzelecki, who arrived in Sydney in 1839 and for four years led expeditions across south-eastern Australia. It was he who named the mountain after Tadeusz Kosciuszko.

The inscription on the monument: TADEUSZ KOŚCIUSZKO 1746-1817 THE POLISH PATRIOT AND HERO, SPENT MOST OF HIS LIFE FIGHTING FOR THE FREEDOM OF HIS COUNTRY. A CHAMPION OF THE UNDERPRIVILEGED AND OPPRESSED IN POLAND, HE WENT TO AMERICA TO BECOME ONE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON'S GENERALS, GAINING MUCH HONOUR IN THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE. IN THOMAS JEFFERSON'S WORDS, HE WAS "AS PURE A SON OF LIBERTY AS I HAVE EVER KNOWN". Mt Kosciuszko was discovered and named by the Polish explorer Count PAUL EDMUND STRZELECKI in 1840. This monument is raised by the Federal Council of Polish Associations in Australia as a gift to the people of Australia in the Bicentennial year 1988. It commemorates the discovery of Mt Kosciuszko and the contribution of Polish settlers to the Snowy Mountain Scheme. "Look Kosciuszko Upon Us From Heaven ... Twego Miecza Nam Potrzeba By Ojczyzna Oswobodzic". R. Suchodolski 1831 "...But Should We Wish To Warm Us On Our Way Through Poland, There Is Kościuszko's Name Might Scatter Fire Through Ice, Like Hecla's Flame." Lord Byron 1818 PRINCIPAL CONTRIBUTORS Government of NSW, Polish Association of NSW, Major Stanislaw and Dr Maria Luk-Kozika Foundation, Maria and Henry Syriatowicz, Contal Co. Pty Ltd, Polish Assoc. in Newcastle, Polish Assoc.in Hobart, Polish Assoc. in Latrobe Valley, Victoria, Polish Ex-Servicement's Assoc, Sub-Branch 3, Melbourne, B. and K. Singler.

Technical data: obelisk 6 m high, steel structure and facings, bronze medallion.

Time of origin:



Stanisław Ostoja-Kotkowski (malarz, rzeźbiarz, fotografik; Polska, Niemcy, Australia)(preview)




Ostatnia aktualizacja:



Bartłomiej Gutowski
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Tadeusz Kosciuszko Monument, Cooma (New South Wales) Photo showing Monument to Tadeusz Kościuszko Gallery of the object +1
Tadeusz Kosciuszko Monument, Cooma (New South Wales), photo Sandra Brown, 2015
Plaque on the monument to Tadeusz Kosciuszko, Cooma (New South Wales) Photo showing Monument to Tadeusz Kościuszko Gallery of the object +1
Plaque on the monument to Tadeusz Kosciuszko, Cooma (New South Wales), photo Sandra Brown, 2015

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