Column on Paseichna Street in Lviv - general view, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration work on the shrine-column of the Sorrowful Christ in Lviv
Kolumna przy ul. Pasiecznej we Lwowie, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration work on the shrine-column of the Sorrowful Christ in Lviv
Kolumna przy ul. Pasiecznej we Lwowie, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration work on the shrine-column of the Sorrowful Christ in Lviv
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ID: spol-000176-P/150688

Restoration work on the shrine-column of the Sorrowful Christ in Lviv

ID: spol-000176-P/150688

Restoration work on the shrine-column of the Sorrowful Christ in Lviv

Information about the object:
In sculptural objects located in Ukraine, the Christ of Sorrows is a very rare representation. On the territory of Lviv, the only other such representation can be found in the Boim Chapel. The object was erected in 1761, as evidenced by the inscription on the front of the head. Under Austro-Hungarian rule, the cemetery was probably moved here, but this is unconfirmed archival information.

Completed works:
The project includes restoration work on a chapel-column depicting the Sorrowful Christ at the intersection of Pasieczna and Zielona Streets in Lviv.

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad".

More about the project:


  • Towarzystwo Tradycji Akademickiej, realizacja w roku 2021.

Time of origin:


Rok (lata) prowadzenia prac:

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Photo showing Restoration work on the shrine-column of the Sorrowful Christ in Lviv Photo showing Restoration work on the shrine-column of the Sorrowful Christ in Lviv Gallery of the object +2
Column on Paseichna Street in Lviv - general view, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work on the shrine-column of the Sorrowful Christ in Lviv Photo showing Restoration work on the shrine-column of the Sorrowful Christ in Lviv Gallery of the object +2
Kolumna przy ul. Pasiecznej we Lwowie, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work on the shrine-column of the Sorrowful Christ in Lviv Photo showing Restoration work on the shrine-column of the Sorrowful Christ in Lviv Gallery of the object +2
Kolumna przy ul. Pasiecznej we Lwowie, photo 2021, all rights reserved

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