Nagrobek Bogdana Romaszkana na cmentarzu w Kutach, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Renovation and conservation work on the tombstone of Bogdan Romaszkan in the Kuty cemetery
Nagrobek Bogdana Romaszkana na cmentarzu w Kutach, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Renovation and conservation work on the tombstone of Bogdan Romaszkan in the Kuty cemetery
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ID: spol-000160-P/150670

Renovation and conservation work on the tombstone of Bogdan Romaszkan in the Kuty cemetery

ID: spol-000160-P/150670

Renovation and conservation work on the tombstone of Bogdan Romaszkan in the Kuty cemetery

Information about the object:
Cemetery with Polish gravestone monuments and a chapel.

Completed works:
The project is to carry out professional conservation of the tombstone of the vice mayor of Kut Bogdan Romaszkan and Zacharyas Romaszkan.

Components of the task:

1. taking photographic documentation prior to the commencement of the cleaning work;

Removal of weeds, volunteer trees and bushes overgrowing the grave field and the spaces between the gravestones; 4;

Mechanical cleaning with brushes, spatulas, knives, scalpels of moss, lichen, loose soil and leaves, etc.; 5;

5. washing the gravestone with water and detergent with algae and moss control agent;

6. making necessary repairs to the surface of the tombstone, gluing broken and cracked stone elements;

7. cleaning the tombstone from yellow paint using mechanical methods (scalpels, corundum, dremell, micro-sanders, sandblasting machines) and chemical methods (paint peeling pastes, compresses) preceded by conducting tests on paint removal from the tombstone surface and selecting the best non-destructive method

8. legibility of engraved letters on tombstones;

9. colour unification, colour fusion;

10. performing disinfection of the tombstone surface; 11;

Performing spraying in the spaces between tombstones with herbicide solution; 11;

12. Production of photographic documentation upon completion of the works.

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad".

More about the project:


  • Armenian Foundation, realizacja w roku 2021



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Photo showing Renovation and conservation work on the tombstone of Bogdan Romaszkan in the Kuty cemetery Photo showing Renovation and conservation work on the tombstone of Bogdan Romaszkan in the Kuty cemetery Gallery of the object +1
Nagrobek Bogdana Romaszkana na cmentarzu w Kutach, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Renovation and conservation work on the tombstone of Bogdan Romaszkan in the Kuty cemetery Photo showing Renovation and conservation work on the tombstone of Bogdan Romaszkan in the Kuty cemetery Gallery of the object +1
Nagrobek Bogdana Romaszkana na cmentarzu w Kutach, photo 2021, all rights reserved

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