Fasada kościoła św. Anny w Sąsiadowicach, photo 2022, all rights reserved
Source: Archiwum Instytutu Polonika i beneficjenta
Photo showing Structural and conservation renovation of the façade of St Anne\'s Church in Ssiadovice, Ukraine - phase I
Conservation work on the façade of St. Anne's Church in Sąsiadowice, photo 2022, all rights reserved
Source: Archiwum Instytutu Polonika i beneficjenta
Photo showing Structural and conservation renovation of the façade of St Anne\'s Church in Ssiadovice, Ukraine - phase I
Fasada kościoła św. Anny w Sąsiadowicach, photo 2022, all rights reserved
Source: Archiwum Instytutu Polonika i beneficjenta
Photo showing Structural and conservation renovation of the façade of St Anne\'s Church in Ssiadovice, Ukraine - phase I
Fasada kościoła św. Anny w Sąsiadowicach, photo 2022, all rights reserved
Source: Archiwum Instytutu Polonika i beneficjenta
Photo showing Structural and conservation renovation of the façade of St Anne\'s Church in Ssiadovice, Ukraine - phase I
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ID: spol-000169-P/150681

Structural and conservation renovation of the façade of St Anne's Church in Ssiadovice, Ukraine - phase I

ID: spol-000169-P/150681

Structural and conservation renovation of the façade of St Anne's Church in Ssiadovice, Ukraine - phase I

Information about the object:
St. Anne's Church in Ssiadovice, founded by Erazm Herbert, was built in 1598 and consecrated two years later. The frescos in the interior were repainted in 1863 by M. Łozinśki. They were destroyed during World War II, when the church was used as a plastics warehouse. Three of the eight altars have survived to the present day. They were restored together with the pulpit at the turn of the 20th century.

Completed works:
The task concerned the structural and conservation repair of the façade of St. Anne's Church in Sąsiadowice with regard to the façade of the presbytery together with the buttresses.

Prior to conservation, the facades of this architectural part were plastered. The data of the queries and architectural survey of 2021 showed that these elevations were brick with exposed thread. The works were aimed at restoring the original appearance of the facades in terms of: scraping off old plaster and forging joints, chemical and mechanical cleaning of the brick, reinforcement impregnation of the brick and its final impregnation, new joints and partial restoration of the plastered roof cornice. The work also involved protecting the stepped slopes and conserving the stone bands around the windows and

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad"

More about the project: https://polonika.pl


  • Fundacja Ochrony Zabytków „Pro Monumentis Republica”, realizacja w roku 2022

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Photo showing Structural and conservation renovation of the façade of St Anne\'s Church in Ssiadovice, Ukraine - phase I Photo showing Structural and conservation renovation of the façade of St Anne\'s Church in Ssiadovice, Ukraine - phase I Gallery of the object +3
Fasada kościoła św. Anny w Sąsiadowicach, photo 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Structural and conservation renovation of the façade of St Anne\'s Church in Ssiadovice, Ukraine - phase I Photo showing Structural and conservation renovation of the façade of St Anne\'s Church in Ssiadovice, Ukraine - phase I Gallery of the object +3
Conservation work on the façade of St. Anne's Church in Sąsiadowice, photo 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Structural and conservation renovation of the façade of St Anne\'s Church in Ssiadovice, Ukraine - phase I Photo showing Structural and conservation renovation of the façade of St Anne\'s Church in Ssiadovice, Ukraine - phase I Gallery of the object +3
Fasada kościoła św. Anny w Sąsiadowicach, photo 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Structural and conservation renovation of the façade of St Anne\'s Church in Ssiadovice, Ukraine - phase I Photo showing Structural and conservation renovation of the façade of St Anne\'s Church in Ssiadovice, Ukraine - phase I Gallery of the object +3
Fasada kościoła św. Anny w Sąsiadowicach, photo 2022, all rights reserved

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