Two parish priests' gravestone monuments before restoration, Maniewicze, 2019, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2019, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration of two tombstones of parish priests in Maniewicza
Two parish priests' gravestone monuments under restoration, Maniewicze, 2019, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2019, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration of two tombstones of parish priests in Maniewicza
Two parish priests' gravestone monuments under restoration, Maniewicze, 2019, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2019, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration of two tombstones of parish priests in Maniewicza
Two parish priests' gravestone monuments after restoration, Maniewicze, 2019, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2019, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration of two tombstones of parish priests in Maniewicza
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ID: kons-000067-P/111434

Restoration of two tombstones of parish priests in Maniewicza

ID: kons-000067-P/111434

Restoration of two tombstones of parish priests in Maniewicza

The work consisted of repairing the graves of the parish priests (Fr. Pastor Jastrzębski and Fr. Pastor Romanowksi) of the Roman Catholic Parish of Pentecost in Maniewicza. The concrete of which the gravestones were made was in a very poor state of repair.

The concrete headstones were demolished, the paving slabs around them were removed, a reinforced slab was poured for the headstones and the headstones were bricked up. The graves were then covered with granite slabs and granite paving stones were laid around them.

Executor: The Choreography of the Polish Scouting Association in Łódź

The conservation work was carried out in 2018 within the framework of the Polonica Institute's strategic programme "Protection of Polish cultural heritage abroad".



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Two parish priests' gravestone monuments before restoration, Maniewicze, 2019 Photo showing Restoration of two tombstones of parish priests in Maniewicza Gallery of the object +3
Two parish priests' gravestone monuments before restoration, Maniewicze, 2019, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2019, all rights reserved
Two parish priests' gravestone monuments under restoration, Maniewicze, 2019 Photo showing Restoration of two tombstones of parish priests in Maniewicza Gallery of the object +3
Two parish priests' gravestone monuments under restoration, Maniewicze, 2019, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2019, all rights reserved
Two parish priests' gravestone monuments under restoration, Maniewicze, 2019 Photo showing Restoration of two tombstones of parish priests in Maniewicza Gallery of the object +3
Two parish priests' gravestone monuments under restoration, Maniewicze, 2019, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2019, all rights reserved
Two parish priests' gravestone monuments after restoration, Maniewicze, 2019 Photo showing Restoration of two tombstones of parish priests in Maniewicza Gallery of the object +3
Two parish priests' gravestone monuments after restoration, Maniewicze, 2019, photo Archiwum Programu Ochrona / Instytut Polonika, 2019, all rights reserved

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