Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II)
Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II)
Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II)
Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II)
Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II)
Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II)
Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II)
Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II)
Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II)
Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II)
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ID: spol-000078-P/150568

Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II)

ID: spol-000078-P/150568

Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II)

Information about the object:
The Orzeszko family chapel in Zakoziel is one of the most important Polish monuments in Polesia, at which constructive cooperation has been established with the Belarusian side: with local authorities and social activists saving monuments in the Brest voivodeship, the regional branch of ZPB and the General Committee in Brest.

The Neo-Gothic burial chapel of the Orzeszko family was built in 1839 according to a design by Franciszek Jaszczołd. It was built on a square plan and topped with four soaring corner turrets, ending in double pinnacles. The fifth, tallest tower is centrally located. The recesses of the corner turrets contained life-size cast-iron figures of the four evangelists. All four facades were crowned by triangular pediments with three pointed-arch windows and two similarly closed niches on the sides. The building had rich neo-Gothic detailing. Above the entrance, on either side of the arched door frame, were cast-iron cartouches of the founders' coats of arms: "Korab" - the Orzeszeks and "Nowina" - the Chrzanowskis. A marble staircase led up to the chapel. The interior of the chapel had a crystal vault. The main altar and choir were cast in cast iron; stained glass was installed in the windows; the walls were decorated with icons.

Completed works:
The project consisted of the preparation of technical and conservation studies of the historic Neo-Gothic chapel of the Orzeszko family in Zakoziel, Belarus.

Due to the deteriorating technical condition of the object, particularly with regard to the roof truss and load-bearing walls of the chapel, it was necessary to carry out investigations of: the dampness of the object, stratigraphic plaster and painting layers, spectrographic painting samples, and samples for scarification. It was also necessary to prepare a programme of conservation work and a project for safeguarding the object, as well as a greenery inventory with a preliminary dendrological opinion.

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad".

More about the project: https://polonika.pl


  • Fundacja „Pomoc Polakom na Wschodzie”, realizacja w roku 2020

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Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Gallery of the object +9
Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Gallery of the object +9
Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Gallery of the object +9
Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Gallery of the object +9
Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Gallery of the object +9
Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Gallery of the object +9
Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Gallery of the object +9
Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Gallery of the object +9
Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Gallery of the object +9
Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Photo showing Conservation restoration of the Orzeszko Chapel in Zakozel, Belarus (stage II) Gallery of the object +9
Kaplica Orzeszków w Zakozielu na Białorusi, photo 2020, all rights reserved

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