Symbolic gravestone of Henryk Pilścia, murdered in Ponary, photo MKiDN, 2016
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Photo showing Symbolic gravestone of Henryk Pilścia, murdered in Ponary
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ID: WOJ-000371-W/99375 (LT-0503)

Symbolic gravestone of Henryk Pilścia, murdered in Ponary

ID: WOJ-000371-W/99375 (LT-0503)

Symbolic gravestone of Henryk Pilścia, murdered in Ponary

In the lower part of the Bernardine cemetery, there is a symbolic grave of Henryk Pilścia, a scout who was murdered in Ponary. This commemoration was placed next to the grave of Henryk's father, Hipolit Pilścia. The inscription reads: "MEMORY OF HENRYK PILSCIA HARCER, A.K. SOLDIER MURDERED AT PONARY 12 V 1942 AT THE AGE OF 18" [ At the bottom of the plaque:] "It is easy to talk about Poland / Harder to work for it / Even harder to die / And hardest to suffer".

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