Memorial plaque dedicated to Henryk Gierszynski on the Villa Mon Repos in Ouarville, photo Instytutu Polonika, all rights reserved
Photo showing Memorial plaque to Dr Henryk Gierszynski in Ouarville
Memorial plaque dedicated to Henryk Gierszynski on the Villa Mon Repos in Ouarville, photo Instytutu Polonika, all rights reserved
Photo showing Memorial plaque to Dr Henryk Gierszynski in Ouarville
Memorial plaque dedicated to Henryk Gierszynski on the Villa Mon Repos in Ouarville, photo Instytutu Polonika, all rights reserved
Photo showing Memorial plaque to Dr Henryk Gierszynski in Ouarville
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ID: POL-000448-P/72963

Memorial plaque to Dr Henryk Gierszynski in Ouarville

ID: POL-000448-P/72963

Memorial plaque to Dr Henryk Gierszynski in Ouarville

In 2020, a commemorative plaque has been funded by the Polonics Institute in Ouarville to mark the 90th anniversary of Dr Henryk Gierszynski's death. Henryk Gierszyński
was a Polish physician, émigré activist and democratic-independence politician.




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Memorial plaque dedicated to Henryk Gierszynski on the Villa Mon Repos in Ouarville Photo showing Memorial plaque to Dr Henryk Gierszynski in Ouarville Gallery of the object +2
Memorial plaque dedicated to Henryk Gierszynski on the Villa Mon Repos in Ouarville, photo Instytutu Polonika, all rights reserved
Memorial plaque dedicated to Henryk Gierszynski on the Villa Mon Repos in Ouarville Photo showing Memorial plaque to Dr Henryk Gierszynski in Ouarville Gallery of the object +2
Memorial plaque dedicated to Henryk Gierszynski on the Villa Mon Repos in Ouarville, photo Instytutu Polonika, all rights reserved
Memorial plaque dedicated to Henryk Gierszynski on the Villa Mon Repos in Ouarville Photo showing Memorial plaque to Dr Henryk Gierszynski in Ouarville Gallery of the object +2
Memorial plaque dedicated to Henryk Gierszynski on the Villa Mon Repos in Ouarville, photo Instytutu Polonika, all rights reserved

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