Khrisanfa Vasilyev, Pavel Kognovitsky, Josef Goslavsky, Tagiyev Theatre, 1882-1904, Baku
License: public domain, Source: Wikimedia commons, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Tagiyev Theatre in Baku
Khrisanfa Vasilyev, Pavel Kognovitsky, Josef Goslavsky, Tagiyev Theatre, 1882-1904, Baku
License: public domain, Source: Wikimedia commons, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Tagiyev Theatre in Baku
Khrisanfa Vasilyev, Pavel Kognovitsky, Josef Goslavsky, Tagiyev Theatre, 1882-1904, Baku
License: public domain, Source: Wikimedia commons, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Tagiyev Theatre in Baku
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ID: POL-001304-P/134942

Tagiyev Theatre in Baku

ID: POL-001304-P/134942

Tagiyev Theatre in Baku

The Taghiyev Theatre by Khrisanf Vasilyev was built between 1882 and 1883 on the initiative of industrialist and philanthropist Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev. It is located on Merkurievskaya Street (now Azerbaijan Prospect 8). It has the form of a 3-storey brick, plastered building with rustication. After its fire in December 1899, its renovation, which lasted until 1904, was handled by Pavel Kognovitsky (together with Jozef Goslavsky). It was the first theatre in Baku.

Time of origin:



Józef Gosławski (rzeźbiarz; Polska, Azerbejdżan)(preview), Paweł Kognowicki (architekt; Azerbejdżan)(preview)




Ostatnia aktualizacja:



Wiktoria Grabowska
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Khrisanfa Vasilyev, Pavel Kognovitsky, Josef Goslavsky, Tagiyev Theatre, 1882-1904, Baku Photo showing Tagiyev Theatre in Baku Gallery of the object +2
Khrisanfa Vasilyev, Pavel Kognovitsky, Josef Goslavsky, Tagiyev Theatre, 1882-1904, Baku
Khrisanfa Vasilyev, Pavel Kognovitsky, Josef Goslavsky, Tagiyev Theatre, 1882-1904, Baku Photo showing Tagiyev Theatre in Baku Gallery of the object +2
Khrisanfa Vasilyev, Pavel Kognovitsky, Josef Goslavsky, Tagiyev Theatre, 1882-1904, Baku
Khrisanfa Vasilyev, Pavel Kognovitsky, Josef Goslavsky, Tagiyev Theatre, 1882-1904, Baku Photo showing Tagiyev Theatre in Baku Gallery of the object +2
Khrisanfa Vasilyev, Pavel Kognovitsky, Josef Goslavsky, Tagiyev Theatre, 1882-1904, Baku

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