Mass grave of the victims of the massacre of 20.05.1942., photo MKiDN, 2016
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Mass grave of the victims of the massacre of 20.05.1942.
Mass grave of the victims of the massacre of 20.05.1942., photo MKiDN, 2016
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Mass grave of the victims of the massacre of 20.05.1942.
Mass grave of the victims of the massacre of 20.05.1942., photo MKiDN, 2016
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Mass grave of the victims of the massacre of 20.05.1942.
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ID: WOJ-000365-W/99369 (LT-0443)

Mass grave of the victims of the massacre of 20.05.1942.

ID: WOJ-000365-W/99369 (LT-0443)

Mass grave of the victims of the massacre of 20.05.1942.

In retaliation for the killing of a high-ranking German officer in Swieciany, local residents were executed. About 1,000 Poles were arrested according to lists prepared by the Lithuanians, even in villages far from the place of the attack. The arrestees were brought to Lyntup and Old and New Swieciany, where troops of the Ponar riflemen and Lithuanian police arrived and carried out a mass murder. In Nowe Święciany, 27 people were killed, including two priests, Bazewicz and Naumowicz. The bodies of the priests were allowed to be moved by the faithful to the local cemetery, while the other victims are buried in a mass grave, in front of the entrance to the town. A monument erected by the Lithuanian authorities stands here, the plaques on the front of the obelisk have inscriptions in Lithuanian and Russian. In January 2007, an additional plaque was placed on the front of the monument, with an inscription in Polish: "In this place are buried the inhabitants of the Novosvitsk municipality who were shot by the Nazi occupants 1942 V 20". This action was initiated by the general director of the joint-stock company "Ferumas" - Wacław Wiłkojć, the plaque was funded by the Council for the Protection of Memory of Struggle and Martyrdom. At an undetermined time (no earlier than December 2011) this plaque was removed. In 2011, plaques in Polish and Lithuanian were placed on the sides of the monument. The first plaque contains the following text: "Eternal rest deign to give them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them", while the second plaque (in two parts - separately in Polish and Lithuanian) contains the names of the victims: "priest Bolesław Bazewicz / priest Jan Naumowicz / Piotr Grochowski / Jan Obolewicz / Piotr Kulesza / Vladislav Shevchenko / Vladimir Shiroki / Jan Puch / Konstanty Mikszto / Jepifan Bulbow / Henryk Żebrowski / Romam Badocha / Nikolai Żanewicz -. Podaszewny / Antoni Laddy / Edward Frykke / Antoni Nowicki / Ignaś Nowicki / Leonard Nowicki / Adam Rudziński / Hipolit Jurkiewicz / Kazimir Grygorowicz / Aleksander Fruński / Antoni Balas / Safon Sobolew / Gustaw Stańczyk / Jan Kopielowicz / Bolesław Kowalewski / Bużyński / Gujgo / Grochowski / Union of Poles in Lithuania 2010".

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