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cmentarz_w_cieszynie_żuków_dolny_fot_m_wiraszka_2023_img_3749, photo dr Marta Wiraszka, 2023
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo montrant Tombstone of Jan Bamorsky
cmentarz_w_cieszynie_żuków_dolny_fot_m_wiraszka_2023_img_3750, photo dr Marta Wiraszka, 2023
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo montrant Tombstone of Jan Bamorsky
ID: NGR-017541-P

Tombstone of Jan Bamorsky

The burial place marked by a stele terminating in a biconcave, on a plinth and base. The top edges of the plinth and base chamfered. An engraved inscription on the front of the stele. The whole is surrounded by a wrought-iron fence on a foundation consisting of vertical slats ending in arrowheads connected at two levels by slats. Between the vertical elements diagonal slats with the upper ends curled into volutes. Additional slats at the bottom of each field, also curled with one end in volutes, connected to the same element in the adjacent field, together form a motif of a stylised heart.


Tu / odpoczywa / Jan / Bamorsky / z Dol. Żukowa / urodzony 1813 / umarł 24 stycznia 1898 / Błogosławieni umarli / którzy w Panu umierają / albowiem odpoczywają / od prac swoich. / Kto zwycięży siądzie na / prawicy Barankowej. //. 

Related persons:
Time of origin:
ca. 1898
Emplacement de la pierre tombale:
Numéro de la tombe 702
95 x 119 x 230 cm
Additional dimensions:

stele: 195 x 72 x 42

marble, sandstone, cast iron
Additional Information about materials:
stele and plinth in white coarse crystalline marble, base and foundation in sandstone, cast iron fence
State of preservation:
inscription partly obliterated, rust
Date of documentation:
Author of the documentation sheet:
dr Marta Wiraszka
Development / approval of the documentation sheet:
Bartłomiej Gutowski
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