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Dorota Kudelska, "À Vienne, Paris et Munich... Les artistes au-delà des frontières aux XIXe et XXe siècles" - publication de l'Institut Polonica
Photo montrant Dorota Kudelska, \"In Vienna, Paris and Munich... Artists Beyond Borders in the 19th and 20th Centuries\" - publication of the Polonica Institute
Dorota Kudelska, "À Vienne, Paris et Munich... Les artistes au-delà des frontières aux XIXe et XXe siècles" - publication de l'Institut Polonica
Photo montrant Dorota Kudelska, \"In Vienna, Paris and Munich... Artists Beyond Borders in the 19th and 20th Centuries\" - publication of the Polonica Institute
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ID: publ-000020-P

Dorota Kudelska, "In Vienna, Paris and Munich... Artists Beyond Borders in the 19th and 20th Centuries" - publication of the Polonica Institute

ID: publ-000020-P

Dorota Kudelska, "In Vienna, Paris and Munich... Artists Beyond Borders in the 19th and 20th Centuries" - publication of the Polonica Institute

The publication 'In Vienna, Paris and Munich... Artists Beyond Borders in the 19th and 20th Centuries' was published jointly by the Polonics Institute and the Scientific Society of the Catholic University of Lublin. It is a collection of themes that emerged from a scientific symposium held at this university. The main themes of both the meeting and the book oscillate around the subject of small and large homelands, art practised by artists outside their home countries.

The authors of the texts lean into excerpts from their biographies and place them in various European cities - Paris, Vienna, Munich. As mentioned by the book's editor, the section on Vienna synthesises the training of artists from the Polish lands at the Kunstgewerbeschule (1868-1914) and the Akademie der bildenden Kunste (1726-1938) and the role of Kazimierz Pochwalski as its professor; the contacts of several generations of Polish and Czech artists with the Wiener Secession and the differences in their strategies. In turn, the text on Antoni Lange presents the work of the Lviv-based Austrian. The Parisian connotations here concern Mieczysław Golberg and Adolf Basler - promoters of the Polish artistic colony there, the situation of foreigners in Antoine Bourdelle's atelier; Munich focuses on the relationship between Jaroslav Věšín and Josef Brandt and references to Polish culture at the 'threshold of modernity' (1892-1914). The role of creative encounters is highlighted by texts on the Hungarian sculptor Elza Kövesházi Kalmár and the European 'journey' of Henryk Siemiradzki's Christian Dirce .

"Naturally, many aspects of artists' activities outside their own cultural milieu have already been discussed in many ways. However, their scope seems to be constantly expanding in view of the increasing detailed knowledge of the movement of artists, starting at the beginning of the nineteenth century and from its middle on an unprecedented scale. Therefore, questions concerning selected connections permeating the extra-national and cross-border space of art and culture cannot but multiply," concludes the publication's scientific editor and co-author, Dorota Kudelska, PhD, Professor at the Catholic University of Lublin.

The book "In Vienna, Paris and Munich... Artists Abroad in the 19th and 20th Centuries", published in two languages (Polish and English), extends the range of items published by the Polonik Institute which are part of its activities, including collecting and disseminating knowledge of the Polish cultural heritage abroad and conducting activities to preserve material traces of Polish culture abroad.

Edited by: Dorota Kudelska

Year of publication: 2022 (2020)

Co-publisher: Scientific Society of the Catholic University of Lublin

Number of pages: 576

Binding: softbound

Format: 143 x 240 mm

ISBN: 978-83-7306-892-6

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