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Chapelle publique du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus à S這雟k
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bojko V. A., „Dzieje wsi Solonske”, Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant Public chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in S這雟k
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ID: POL-002074-P

Public chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in S這雟k

Słońsko | Ukraine
ukr. Солонське
ID: POL-002074-P

Public chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in S這雟k

Słońsko | Ukraine
ukr. Солонське

Historical outline
S這雟k was first mentioned as early as the 15th century. It was then recorded as the property of Marcin Korawa. The village, located 13 km north-east of Drohobych, was later ruled by, among others, Jakub Słoński, Rafał Słoński, the Oparscy brothers, Eustachy Kunat and Samuel Słoński. The parish was subordinate to Rychcice, and from 1911 to Lipowiec. The chapel in S這雟k was built in 1884, and its consecration took place a year later. According to sources, when the village was covered by the parish of Lipowiec, the parish priest provided priestly services twice a month.

During the First World War, two of the four bells were requisitioned for military purposes. In 1929, thanks in part to support from the "Polmin" company, the chapel was renovated. On the eve of the Second World War, Lipowa's parish priest, Tomasz Sapyta, began efforts to establish an independent parish in S這雟k. Unfortunately, the great global conflict interrupted efforts. After the end of the war, the chapel was closed down and a kolkhoz warehouse was created in it. In 1992 it was returned to Catholics.

The building is located at the edge of the village. It is surrounded by a small square, enclosed by a fence. The chapel was built on a foundation using wood. The roofs are covered with sheet metal. The mass is based on a single nave and a narrower, lower and shorter chancel closed with a trilateral and topped with a multi-sided roof. Adjoining the nave to the west is a lower, rectangular porch closed in turn with a gabled roof. To the south is a vestry with a mono-pitched roof. The roof over the nave is gabled. At the east end of the roof there is a square-shaped turret with a small bell tower. It is clad in sheet metal and topped with a marquee roof ending in a sphere with a cross. The windows in the nave and the entrance openings are rectangular in shape.

Inside, the walls are plastered. In the presbytery and on the rainbow arch, one can see polychromy based on the motifs of Hutsul embroidery, which is, simply put, a peculiar folk pattern characteristic of the Hutsul culture. The arcade of the rainbow arch is based on the shape of a pointed parabola. The choir is supported on pillars. It is accessed via a spiral staircase in the north-west corner of the building. The nave and chancel have pseudo-vaulted planked cradle vaults. The vestibule and sacristy, on the other hand, are crowned with ceilings.

The original furnishings of the chapel have been lost. However, the most important elements related to the interior and exterior of the building today are:
. - The main altar of the Heart of Jesus (1928) by Wincenty Witold Rawski,
. - Organ,
- Pheretrons,
- Images: Sacred Heart of Jesus, Image from the Cross, Mother of God, Our Lady of Czestochowa, St. Teresa,
- Wooden belfry (c. 1926) with three bells, consecrated in 1926.

Related persons:
Time of origin:
Witold Rawski (rzeźbiarz)
  • Światosław Lenartowicz „Kościół parafialny pw. Najświętszego Serca Jezusa w Słońsku.” W: „Materiały do dziejów sztuki sakralnej na ziemiach wschodnich dawnej Rzeczypospolitej. Cz. 1: Kościoły i klasztory rzymskokatolickie dawnego województwa ruskiego” T. 6. Kraków: Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury w Krakowie, 1998, s. 173-176.
Supplementary bibliography:
Ostatnia aktualizacja:
Michał Dziadosz
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