Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II, photo MKiDN, 2018
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II
Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II, photo MKiDN, 2018
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II
Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II, photo MKiDN, 2018
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II
Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II, photo MKiDN, 2018
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II
Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II, photo MKiDN, 2018
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II
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ID: WOJ-000438-W/106550 (LT-0106)

Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II

ID: WOJ-000438-W/106550 (LT-0106)

Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II

Le 8 avril 1944, les troupes allemandes envahissent le village. Le village a été encerclé, les habitants, quel que soit leur âge, ont été rassemblés dans la grange. Ils ont tous été fusillés et la grange a été incendiée. Les habitants du manoir de Bozarana-Gumba et du petit village de Gajdzie sont assassinés - 14 personnes perdent la vie. Un ordre signé par le colonel Klein cite la "coopération avec les partisans soviétiques" comme raison de la pacification.

Les morts furent enterrés dans la forêt, créant ainsi une petite nécropole. Le cimetière se compose de 6 tombes sans nom et d'une croix principale avec une plaque de Notre-Dame de la Porte de l'Aurore. Un rocher portant l'inscription est placé sous la croix : "Ici reposent les restes des familles Godlewski, Kislowski et des réfugiés de Russie assassinés en 1944 par les nazis. Paix à leurs âmes". Le cimetière est entouré d'une clôture en bois.


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Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II Photo montrant Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II Galerie de l\'objet +4
Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II, photo MKiDN, 2018
Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II Photo montrant Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II Galerie de l\'objet +4
Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II, photo MKiDN, 2018
Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II Photo montrant Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II Galerie de l\'objet +4
Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II, photo MKiDN, 2018
Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II Photo montrant Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II Galerie de l\'objet +4
Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II, photo MKiDN, 2018
Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II Photo montrant Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II Galerie de l\'objet +4
Cemetery of victims of pacification during World War II, photo MKiDN, 2018

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