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ID: dok-000828-P/96136

Cemetery in Naczy

ID: dok-000828-P/96136

Cemetery in Naczy

Cemetery with Polish gravestone monuments. Documentation was made for the cemetery (3 cards stored in the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage). Information about the cemetery has been published (see bibliography).

Cemetery with Polish gravestone monuments. Documentation was made for the cemetery (3 sheets stored in the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage). Information about the cemetery has been published (see bibliography). According to Anna Lewkowska, Jacek Lewkowski and Wojciech Walczak, the church cemetery is located on the church square, which has a rectangular plan, 0.9 ha in area and is surrounded by a stone wall. "There are dozens of gravestones preserved in the church cemetery, mostly dating from the 19th century, including 7 from the 1st half of the 19th century, 15 from the 2nd half of the 19th century and 10 from the 1st half of the 20th century." The oldest commemorates Bartholomew Jocz. After the cited authors: "The slab is made of worked granite block with a smoothed face. At the top of the slab, a convex, slanted cross is depicted on an indented oval field. Below is a remarkable inscription written in beautiful Polish. The plate was made in the well-known engraving workshop of J. Rosiński in Vilnius." The inscription reads: "In honour of and in praise of / civic, social and domestic honours / on the tombstone of / BARTŁOMIEJA JOCZA / 1829 GRUD. 16 AGED 66 / CHILDREN TO AN EXEMPLARY FATHER LAY / THESE MEMORIALS". Also buried in the cemetery are: Antoni Turski (d. 1839), a vestryman of Eszys, Rev. Czeslaw Dabulewicz (d. 1950), parish priest of Nurek parish, Teodor Mateusz Ostyk Narbutt (d. 1864), author of "History of the Lithuanian Nation". There is also a cross of the Polish Graves Guard and a boulder commemorating the January Uprising insurgents. The inscription reads: "PAUSTANCAM 1863 G. ATRADAŁ NARBUTA / W NARBUTU, MICHAŁOWSKAMU, / U. NAWICKAMU AND UNKNOWN / FROM NASZCZADKAM / 1988". The cemetery is maintained in good condition.

The active Catholic cemetery is located one kilometre north of the church. It has a rectangular plan and an area of 1.4 ha. It was created in the mid-19th century. The oldest gravestone, dating from 1867, crowns the burial place of Julia Marciszewska. It has the form of a stone stele and the inscription: "HERE LIES THE LATE JULIA Z ZDŁUŻNYCH / MARCISZEWSKA / AGE 24 / DIED. 23 DECEMBER 1867 / ASKS FOR 3 ZDROWAŚ MARYA". According to Lewkowski and Walczak, "in the western part of the cemetery there is a grave of the Sienkiewicz family, murdered in 1942, and a quarter of Home Army soldiers killed in 1942-1945. There are 15 concrete crosses, next to which there is a cross of the Polish Graves Guard. Next to the quarters is the grave of Stansław Hryszel "Zagłoby", murdered by the Nazis in 1943. According to reports, the cemetery also contains a mass grave of 11 Naczy residents, murdered by the Germans on 18 November 1918. The grave is not marked and, unfortunately, it has not been possible to locate it. The grave is not marked and unfortunately it was not possible to locate it. The cemetery is dominated by contemporary burials. (...) The state of preservation of the cemetery is good."
On the website of the Association of Soldiers of the Home Army (Stowarzyszenie Łagierników Żołnierzy Armii Krajowej) there is information about the renovation works on the cemetery in Naczy in October/November 2012. ( cf. )


  • „Cmentarze polskie poza granicami kraju” , raport, oprac. B. Gutowski, Warszawa 2022 (maszynopis)
  • Lewkowska Anna, Lewkowski Jacek, Walczak Wojciech, „Zabytkowe cmentarze na Kresach Wschodnich Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. Województwo wileńskie na obszarze Republiki Białoruś”, Warszawa 2007



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