Tomb of the Michałowski, Pohorecki, Izabela and Feliks Kuczkowski and Marian Gottlieb families, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016., photo autorzy karty
Photo montrant Tomb of the Michałowski, Pohorecki, Izabela and Feliks Kuczkowski families and of Marian Gottlieb
Fragment of the tomb of the Michałowski, Pohorecki, Izabela and Feliks Kuczkowski and Marian Gottlieb families, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016., photo autorzy karty
Photo montrant Tomb of the Michałowski, Pohorecki, Izabela and Feliks Kuczkowski families and of Marian Gottlieb
Fragment of the tomb of the Michałowski, Pohorecki, Izabela and Feliks Kuczkowski and Marian Gottlieb families, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016., photo autorzy karty
Photo montrant Tomb of the Michałowski, Pohorecki, Izabela and Feliks Kuczkowski families and of Marian Gottlieb
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ID: NGR-011352-P/83956

Tomb of the Michałowski, Pohorecki, Izabela and Feliks Kuczkowski families and of Marian Gottlieb

Mikuliniec Cemetery in Ternopil
ID: NGR-011352-P/83956

Tomb of the Michałowski, Pohorecki, Izabela and Feliks Kuczkowski families and of Marian Gottlieb

A rectangular tomb covered with slabs on a base, at the head of which is an obelisk on a two-stepped pedestal and base. The obelisk with profiled lower edges, in the front in an oval panel a relief Latin cross, on the left wall a plaque with an engraved inscription (1). The base decorated with glazing. The first step of the pedestal with chamfered top edges, on the front side four mounting holes visible from the inscription plaque . The second step of the pedestal with profiled lower and upper edges, covered with a panel. To the front in a panel a plaque with an engraved inscription (2). A fragment of the plaque with the inscription broken off. On both sides of the plaque inverted torches (one on each side). Plaques with engraved inscriptions on the left and right walls of the plinth (3)(4). The entrance to the tomb is covered by slabs with eight cast-iron entablature with mounts. On the obelisk on the height above the panel with a relief cross, on the front, on the right and left walls, cast-iron hook-shaped mounts.


1. + EMIL MICHAŁOWSKI / Dyr. Sem. Nau. Posel na Sejm / *1850 r. + 7/II 1919 r. / z POHORECKICH / [M]ARIA MICHAŁOWSKA / *1854 r. + 22/XII 1930 r. / […]NA MICHAŁOWSKA / [1][..]3 r. + 1[.]/IX 1917 r. / […] Odpoczynek racz im dać //.
2. + SZCZĘSNY CZAPLIC POHORECKI / profesor gimnazjalny, posel na Sejm / burmistrz m. Tarnopola etc / *10.I.1826 r. + 20.II.1896 r. / JÓZEFA z Dziubińskich POHORECKA / *1824 r. + 5.XI.1906 r. / ANNA z Meixnerów [P]OHORECK[A] / żona adw[okat]a / *1864 r. + 6.[..].[1]899 r. / EDWARD POHORECKA / syn adwokata / *1899 r. + 11.VIII.1908 r. //. 
3. MARYAN GOTTLIEB / *12.XI.1871 + 10.I.1910. / Odrzućmy piersi smutku glo[s] / Dzień za dniem leci chyżej / Umarli są zawsze  blisko nas / A my ich co dzień bliżci. //.
4. FELIKS KUCZKOWSKI  / nadinżynier c. k. kolei państw. / i naczelnik Sekcyi konserwacyi / *1853 r. + 18.III.1904 r. / IZABELA z POHORECKICH / KUCZKOWSKA / *1859 r. + 24.III.1907 r. //. 

Time of origin:

ca. 1896

Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de secteur 3a Numéro de la tombe 3


320 x 325 x 485 cm

Additional dimensions:

obelisk height 140 ; monument height 280 width 130 depth 130



Additional Information about materials:

grey sandstone

State of preservation:

cavities, inscription partly obliterated

Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

A broken fragment of the inscription plaque on the left wall of the obelisk and a broken fragment of the inscription plaque on the front wall of the second step of the plinth. One inscription plaque missing from the front on the first step of the pedestal


  • „Inskrypcje nagrobne pogranicza polsko-ukraińskiego”, t. 4, „Województwo tarnopolskie, miasto Tarnopol”, pod red. L. Morawieckiego, Rzeszów 2004, s. 3


Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, Agnieszka Borowiecka

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
voir plus Texte traduit automatiquement
Tomb of the Michałowski, Pohorecki, Izabela and Feliks Kuczkowski and Marian Gottlieb families, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016. Photo montrant Tomb of the Michałowski, Pohorecki, Izabela and Feliks Kuczkowski families and of Marian Gottlieb Galerie de l\'objet +2
Tomb of the Michałowski, Pohorecki, Izabela and Feliks Kuczkowski and Marian Gottlieb families, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016., photo autorzy karty
Fragment of the tomb of the Michałowski, Pohorecki, Izabela and Feliks Kuczkowski and Marian Gottlieb families, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016. Photo montrant Tomb of the Michałowski, Pohorecki, Izabela and Feliks Kuczkowski families and of Marian Gottlieb Galerie de l\'objet +2
Fragment of the tomb of the Michałowski, Pohorecki, Izabela and Feliks Kuczkowski and Marian Gottlieb families, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016., photo autorzy karty
Fragment of the tomb of the Michałowski, Pohorecki, Izabela and Feliks Kuczkowski and Marian Gottlieb families, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016. Photo montrant Tomb of the Michałowski, Pohorecki, Izabela and Feliks Kuczkowski families and of Marian Gottlieb Galerie de l\'objet +2
Fragment of the tomb of the Michałowski, Pohorecki, Izabela and Feliks Kuczkowski and Marian Gottlieb families, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016., photo autorzy karty

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