Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field
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ID: WOJ-000400-W/101489 (LT-0210)

Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field

ID: WOJ-000400-W/101489 (LT-0210)

Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field

Il y a deux tombes d'insurgés de janvier à Mamowo - l'une est située à la périphérie du village et l'autre à environ 3 km, au milieu d'un champ. Un insurgé du nom de Jablonski a été enterré dans l'une des tombes, mais les sources ne sont pas cohérentes quant à la tombe dans laquelle il repose. Les monuments commémoratifs sur les deux tombes ont la forme identique d'une croix massive en béton placée sur un socle carré. Les deux croix portent des inscriptions identiques : "Ici repose le corps d'un héros tombé pour la liberté de la patrie en 1863". Dans les années 1990, à l'initiative de l'Union des Polonais de Lituanie, les deux croix sur les tombes ont été clôturées. En 2012, les croix ont été rénovées par l'Union des Polonais de Lituanie. Cependant, les travaux ont été réalisés de manière non professionnelle - le plâtre des croix a rapidement commencé à se fissurer. En 2013, les autorités locales ont placé près de la croix du village un rocher portant une inscription commémorant le 150e anniversaire du soulèvement.



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Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Photo montrant Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Galerie de l\'objet +6
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Photo montrant Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Galerie de l\'objet +6
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Photo montrant Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Galerie de l\'objet +6
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Photo montrant Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Galerie de l\'objet +6
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Photo montrant Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Galerie de l\'objet +6
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Photo montrant Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Galerie de l\'objet +6
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Photo montrant Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Galerie de l\'objet +6
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022

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