Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field
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ID: WOJ-000400-W/101489 (LT-0210)

Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field

ID: WOJ-000400-W/101489 (LT-0210)

Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field

There are two graves of January insurgents in Mamowo - one is located on the edge of the village and the other about 3 km away, in the middle of a field. An insurgent by the name of Jablonski was buried in one of the graves, but sources are not consistent as to which grave he lies in. The commemorations on both graves have the identical shape of a massive concrete cross placed on a square plinth. Both crosses bear identical inscriptions: "Here rests the corpse of a hero fallen for the freedom of the Fatherland in 1863". In the 1990s, on the initiative of the Union of Poles in Lithuania, both crosses on the graves were fenced. In 2012, renovation of the crosses took place, carried out by the Union of Poles in Lithuania. However, the work was carried out unprofessionally - the plaster on the crosses quickly began to crack. In 2013, the local authorities placed a boulder near the cross in the village with an inscription commemorating the 150th anniversary of the uprising.



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Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Photo showing Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Gallery of the object +6
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Photo showing Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Gallery of the object +6
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Photo showing Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Gallery of the object +6
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Photo showing Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Gallery of the object +6
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Photo showing Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Gallery of the object +6
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Photo showing Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Gallery of the object +6
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Photo showing Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field Gallery of the object +6
Graves of the January Uprising insurgents in the village and in the field, photo MKiDN, 2022

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