Graves of soldiers killed in 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Graves of soldiers killed in the Polish-Lithuanian war of 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians
Graves of soldiers killed in 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Graves of soldiers killed in the Polish-Lithuanian war of 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians
Graves of soldiers killed in 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Graves of soldiers killed in the Polish-Lithuanian war of 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians
Graves of soldiers killed in 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Graves of soldiers killed in the Polish-Lithuanian war of 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians
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ID: WOJ-000434-W/106546 (LT-0049)

Graves of soldiers killed in the Polish-Lithuanian war of 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians

ID: WOJ-000434-W/106546 (LT-0049)

Graves of soldiers killed in the Polish-Lithuanian war of 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians

Lors de la bataille de Dowgierdziszki le 12.10.1920, qui faisait partie de la bataille pour Vilnius entre les troupes commandées par le général Żeligowski et les Lituaniens, trois soldats ont été tués : deux Lituaniens et un Polonais nommé Ciedzewicz. Ils ont tous été enterrés dans une même tombe dans la cour de l'école.

Au début des années 1960, les dépouilles des soldats ont été transférées au cimetière et enterrées au même endroit, avec les croix et le monument existants placés sur leurs tombes.



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Graves of soldiers killed in 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians Photo montrant Graves of soldiers killed in the Polish-Lithuanian war of 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians Galerie de l\'objet +3
Graves of soldiers killed in 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians, photo MKiDN, 2022
Graves of soldiers killed in 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians Photo montrant Graves of soldiers killed in the Polish-Lithuanian war of 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians Galerie de l\'objet +3
Graves of soldiers killed in 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians, photo MKiDN, 2022
Graves of soldiers killed in 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians Photo montrant Graves of soldiers killed in the Polish-Lithuanian war of 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians Galerie de l\'objet +3
Graves of soldiers killed in 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians, photo MKiDN, 2022
Graves of soldiers killed in 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians Photo montrant Graves of soldiers killed in the Polish-Lithuanian war of 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians Galerie de l\'objet +3
Graves of soldiers killed in 1920. - A Pole and two Lithuanians, photo MKiDN, 2022

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