St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, 1623-1636, Vilnius, Lithuania, photo Mirosław Osip-Pokrywka
Licence: public domain, Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania.
Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania., photo Mirosław Osip-Pokrywka
Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania., photo Mirosław Osip-Pokrywka
Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral
Vilnius Cathedral, photo Mirosław Osip-Pokrywka
Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, stucco fragment, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania., photo Piotr Ługowski
Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, fragment, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania., photo Piotr Ługowski
Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania., photo Piotr Ługowski
Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania., photo Piotr Ługowski
Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, fragment, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania., photo Piotr Ługowski
Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, fragment, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania., photo Piotr Ługowski
Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, photo Ligia Ślęzak, 2023
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Fototeka Instytutu Polonika, Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral
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ID: POL-000043-P/49881

St. Casimir's Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral

ID: POL-000043-P/49881

St. Casimir's Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral

Variants of the name:

Šventasis Kazimiero koplyčia

Une œuvre exceptionnelle du premier baroque exécutée par les meilleurs artistes d'Europe occidentale et inspirée de la chapelle Sigismond de la cathédrale de Wawel.

L a chapelle Saint-Casimir a été construite entre 1623 et 1636 . La chapelle Saint-Casimir de la cathédrale de Vilnius a été construite entre 1623 et 1636 à l'initiative des rois Sigismond III et Ladislas IV en mémoire du prince Casimir, fils de Casimir IV Jagellon et d'Élisabeth Rakuszanka (Habsbourg). Il s'agit d'une œuvre remarquable du début du baroque exécutée par des constructeurs italiens. Ses créateurs se sont inspirés de la chapelle Sigismond de la cathédrale de Wawel, construite un siècle plus tôt, ainsi que de la Capella Sistina et de la Capella Paolina romaines de Santa Maria Maggiore.

Le constructeur de la chapelle Saint-Casimir est Constantino Tencalla. Détruite par les Moscovites en 1655, la chapelle a été rénovée en 1678-1692 avec l'aide de Michelangelo Palloni (fresques) et Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucs).

Dans la crypte située sous la chapelle, le roi Alexandre Jagellon, la reine Barbara Radziwiłłówna et le cœur du roi Władysław IV ont été enterrés.

Le roi Casimir (1458-1484), prédit par son père comme l'héritier du trône, a été élevé sur les autels en 1602, et a été rapidement reconnu comme le saint patron du Grand-Duché de Lituanie. Dans l'Église catholique, le 4 mars est la fête de saint Casimir. En écrivant sur le sujet, il est impossible de ne pas mentionner Kaziuki, la foire aux indulgences qui se tient à Vilnius le 4 mars. Son origine remonte aux célébrations entourant le transfert des reliques de saint Casimir dans la chapelle fondée en son honneur (1636).

À l'origine, le Kaziuki se tenait sur la place de la Cathédrale, mais au début du XXe siècle, il a été déplacé sur la place Lukiskaya. Après que la Lituanie a retrouvé son indépendance, la foire est revenue sur la place de la cathédrale et reste aujourd'hui un festival important pour les habitants de Vilnius. Les spécialités traditionnelles de Kaziuk comprennent les cœurs en pain d'épices et les bagels "smorgasbord", nommés d'après la ville de Smorgonie, située à 80 km à l'est de Vilnius (aujourd'hui en Biélorussie).

Time of origin:



Konstanty (Constantino) Tencalla (architekt; Włochy, Litwa, Polska), Michelangelo Palloni (malarz, Włochy; Polska), Giovanni Pietro Perti (sztukator; Włochy, Rzeczpospolita)



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St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, 1623-1636, Vilnius, Lithuania Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral Galerie de l\'objet +11
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, 1623-1636, Vilnius, Lithuania, photo Mirosław Osip-Pokrywka
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania. Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral Galerie de l\'objet +11
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania.
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania. Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral Galerie de l\'objet +11
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania., photo Mirosław Osip-Pokrywka
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania. Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral Galerie de l\'objet +11
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania., photo Mirosław Osip-Pokrywka
Vilnius Cathedral Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral Galerie de l\'objet +11
Vilnius Cathedral, photo Mirosław Osip-Pokrywka
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, stucco fragment, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania. Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral Galerie de l\'objet +11
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, stucco fragment, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania., photo Piotr Ługowski
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, fragment, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania. Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral Galerie de l\'objet +11
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, fragment, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania., photo Piotr Ługowski
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania. Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral Galerie de l\'objet +11
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania., photo Piotr Ługowski
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania. Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral Galerie de l\'objet +11
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania., photo Piotr Ługowski
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, fragment, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania. Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral Galerie de l\'objet +11
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, fragment, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania., photo Piotr Ługowski
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, fragment, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania. Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral Galerie de l\'objet +11
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, fragment, 1623-1636, designed by Matteo Castelli, executed by Constantino Tencalla, Michelangelo Palloni (frescoes) and Giovanni Pietro Perti (stucco), Vilnius, Lithuania., photo Piotr Ługowski
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral Photo montrant St. Casimir\'s Chapel in the Vilnius Cathedral Galerie de l\'objet +11
St Casimir's Chapel in Vilnius Cathedral, photo Ligia Ślęzak, 2023

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