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ID: POL-002068-P/162370

Parish Church of Sts Fabian and Sebastian in Rivne

ID: POL-002068-P/162370

Parish Church of Sts Fabian and Sebastian in Rivne

Variants of the name:

Kościół parafialny pw. śś. Fabiana i Sebastiana w Königsau

Historical outline
Königsau, the first name of the village of Rowne, sounds hardly Slavic. All because the settlement was founded in 1783 as a colony of settlers brought from Germany. At first it belonged to the parish of Medenice. Plans for an independent parish church date back to 1787, but the project was never realised.

The first wooden church was probably built in 1846. Interestingly, it bore the name of St. Fabian and St. Sebastian, but was never officially consecrated. It is also not entirely known at what stage it was rebuilt.

From 1860 Königsau functioned as a branch of the Medenice parish with its own vicar. In 1882 it became an expatriate parish and in 1910 it was granted permission to operate as a separate, independent parish unit. The formalities were prolonged until 1916.

In 1931, the Rovne church was renovated from the outside and plastered over. After World War II, the building was used as a kolkhoz warehouse.

At the beginning of the 1990s, the Jagiellonian University Art History Students' Association made a descriptive and photographic documentation of the monument. Unfortunately, the building was demolished in 1993. A Greek-Catholic church was erected in its place. Demolition materials were partly used.

In materials relating to both the church and the village, one often comes across an unusual plan of Königsau, which clearly included a sacred building in the very centre. The church standing there today is, incidentally, on the same spot. Five arteries lead directly to the church. As Ewa Herniczek writes: "The church in Königsau was situated in the very centre of the colony, built on a rigorously drawn out plan of a moderate pentagon. The spacious square surrounding the building was also in the form of a pentagon, from the vertices of which streets ran radially".

Demolished in 1993, the Roman Catholic Church of Sts Fabian and Sebastian consisted of a four-bay nave and a two-bay narrower chancel closed with a straight wall. The vertical articulation of the nave was carried out with lisens. They carried the breakaway beams. The windows in the building were mainly rectangular. Only in the front and altar walls were they semicircular, and in the abutment a small oculus (round). The roof of the nave was gabled. Above the chancel it was triple-pitched ridge roof and in the vestry triple-pitched. All the upper slopes were covered with sheet metal. There was a turret on the ridge of the nave.

The church was a very rare example of a building made of wood, but with clear classicist features. Paradoxically, it survived both World Wars and the times of the USSR, but no longer exists.

Time of origin:

19th century.


  • Ewa Herniczek „Kościół parafialny pw. św. Fabiana i Sebastiana w Równem (Königsau).” W: „Materiały do dziejów sztuki sakralnej na ziemiach wschodnich dawnej Rzeczypospolitej. Cz. 1: Kościoły i klasztory rzymskokatolickie dawnego województwa ruskieg”o T. 6. Kraków: Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury w Krakowie, 1998, s. 151-154



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