Tombstone of the Gaspenas Family, as of 2022, photo Przybylińska Daria
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytuty Polonika
Photo montrant Tombstone of the Gaspenas Family
Inscription by Stefan Gaspenas, as of 2022, photo Przybylińska Daria
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytuty Polonika
Photo montrant Tombstone of the Gaspenas Family
Inscription by Stefan Gaspenas, as of 2022, photo Przybylińska Daria
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytuty Polonika
Photo montrant Tombstone of the Gaspenas Family
Inscription of Mary Gaspenas, as of 2022, photo Przybylińska Daria
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytuty Polonika
Photo montrant Tombstone of the Gaspenas Family
photo Bartłomiej Gutowski
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Kartoteka Kijowskiego Narodowościowo-Kulturalnego Stowarzyszenia Polaków ,,Zgoda", dokumentacja wykonana w latach 1990., Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant Tombstone of the Gaspenas Family
 Soumettre des informations supplémentaires
ID: NGR-000493-P/529

Tombstone of the Gaspenas Family

Bajkowa cemetery
ID: NGR-000493-P/529

Tombstone of the Gaspenas Family

Burial site marked by a metal cross on a two-stage plinth. Cross framed by volutes. First step of plinth with chamfered upper edges. Second step of plinth with chamfered upper edges, tapering upwards. In front a plaque with quarter circular chamfered corners with engraved inscription (1), on the right a plaque with quarter circular chamfered corners with engraved inscription (2), on the left a plaque with quarter circular chamfered corners with engraved inscription (3). The grave enclosed by a metal fence. Posts topped with arrowheads, joined at the top by two transverse beams.


(1.) STEFAN GASPENAS / urod. dnia 9 lipca 1871r. / Zmarł dnia 7 Marca 1893r. / Prosi o Anioł Pański. //.
(2.)  Ś+P. / Maryja Gaspenas / żyła lat 74 Zmarła / 29 Kwietnia 1911 roku / Pokój jej duszy. //.
(3.) Ś.+P. / STEFAN GASPENAS / żył lat 58 / zmarł 6 Października / 1894 roku. / Pokój jego duszy. //.

Time of origin:


Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de secteur 12 (new cemetery) Numéro de la tombe 1


279 x 71 x 71 cm

Additional dimensions:

Fencing- 96 x 245 x 345


iron, cast iron, grey magmatic rocks (syenite, granodiorite, grey granite and others)

Additional Information about materials:

Cross made of wrought iron, plinth made of grey granite. Cast iron fence.

State of preservation:

corrosion, cavities


  • Karta katalogowa obiektu, plan i dokumentacja cmentarza Bajkowa w Kijowie w ramach projektu "Байкове кладовище в києві інвентаризаційні дані", w opracowaniu, 2021-2022, 493
  • Karta nagrobka, Kartoteka Kijowskiego Narodowościowo-Kulturalnego Stowarzyszenia Polaków "Zgoda", dokumentacja wykonana w latach 1990-2005 przez Czesławę Raubiszko

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Daria Przybylińska

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski
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Tombstone of the Gaspenas Family, as of 2022 Photo montrant Tombstone of the Gaspenas Family Galerie de l\'objet +4
Tombstone of the Gaspenas Family, as of 2022, photo Przybylińska Daria
Inscription by Stefan Gaspenas, as of 2022 Photo montrant Tombstone of the Gaspenas Family Galerie de l\'objet +4
Inscription by Stefan Gaspenas, as of 2022, photo Przybylińska Daria
Inscription by Stefan Gaspenas, as of 2022 Photo montrant Tombstone of the Gaspenas Family Galerie de l\'objet +4
Inscription by Stefan Gaspenas, as of 2022, photo Przybylińska Daria
Inscription of Mary Gaspenas, as of 2022 Photo montrant Tombstone of the Gaspenas Family Galerie de l\'objet +4
Inscription of Mary Gaspenas, as of 2022, photo Przybylińska Daria
Photo montrant Tombstone of the Gaspenas Family Photo montrant Tombstone of the Gaspenas Family Galerie de l\'objet +4
photo Bartłomiej Gutowski

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