ID: NGR-013006-P/88607

Tombstone of the Morawski family

The burial ground was originally marked by a statue (or cross) on a two-stage plinth and base. The plinth contains two statues and a concrete cross. In front of the plinth is a large statue of St Joseph with Child. St Joseph in antique robes with the Child on his left arm, an unpreserved piece in his right hand. The Child raises his right hand. On pedestal, secondarily set, smaller statue of saint with palm of martyrdom. Base with moulded finial. The first step of the plinth surmounted by a kimation. On the front a panel with engraved inscription (2). On the sides, engraved frames with semicircular chamfered corners. The second step of the plinth knocked down, lying behind. On the front a panel with inscription plaque, engraved inscription (1). The whole enclosed by a cast iron openwork fence. It is composed of rods, decorated with florals. The entrance is open, opposite the gravestone.


z Czaykowskich / MARJA MORAWSKA / * 1857 †. 8. X. 1929 / Prosi o pozdrowienie Anielskie //. † / ROMAN Nałęcz MORAWSKI / * r. 1802. † dn. 28. I 1883 r. / -- / ALOJZY Nałęcz MORAWSKI / * r. 1845. † dn. 16. IX. 1904 r. / -- / Proszą o pozdrowienie Anielskie //.

Time of origin:


Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de secteur 5e Numéro de la tombe 15


60 x 68 x 60 cm

Additional dimensions:

second plinth step: 37 x 40 x 20


concrete/jewel concrete

Additional Information about materials:

pseudo-granite inscription plaque

State of preservation:

destruct, numerous cavities, cracks, fragmented structure

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Joanna Barańska, Monika Krzepińska
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